Application Development Trends' News

Why Microsoft and Oracle want to be your one-stop shop for BI

Microsoft Corp. and Oracle Corp. both want your business intelligence (BI) dollars, and they don’t care who knows it. In fact, both vendors recently made moves that—to varying degrees—put them at odds with their partners in the broader BI tools space. This begs an important question. They already own the database tier and have been steadily building BI capabilities into their RDBMSes for nearly a decade, so can BI market dominance be far behind?

Oracle's horizontal move into the telco vertical

Oracle unveiled a major platform initiative Tuesday aimed at telecommunications providers. The new Oracle Service Delivery Platform (SDP) is designed to support carriers, network operators and systems integrators who are moving to service-oriented architectures.

Pegasystems unveils major upgrade to SmartBPM Suite

Developers working on business process management now have another ally on their side with a major upgrade to Pegasystems SmartBPM Suite.

Compuware scores big with .NET integration, automation

Compuware is scoring well with both long-time and new users with its recently released TestPartner 5.4, the functional testing module of its QACenter Enterprise Edition suite.

Microsoft’s data visualization coup

Regardless of how Microsoft spins its recent acquisition of ProClarity, it marks a departure from the back-end-centric (and notionally partner-friendly/vendor-neutral) BI strategy on which the software giant first rode to BI prominence.

Mainframes plug into SOAs

SOA Software has begun shipping its Service-Oriented Legacy Architecture or SOLA, a platform that exposes CICS mainframe apps as Web services. The company claims it’s the first to bridge the gap between mainframe databases and apps and the distributed world.

OASIS ratifies Service Provisioning Markup Language

OASIS today announced that it has approved the Service Provisioning Markup Language (SPML) version 2.0 as an OASIS Standard, a status that signifies the highest level of ratification. goes mobile with first acquisition's acquisition of wireless software maker Sendia for $15 million in cash is a small deal by industry standards, but something of a milestone in the rapidly evolving software-as-a-service (SaaS) market segment.

Bear returns in IT spending plans

Last month, IDC’s FutureScan tracker for IT spending went through the roof, indicative—IDC said—of increasing bullishness among IT buyers. (FutureScan uses leading indicators and customer surveys to measure industry-wide supply and demand). At the time, however, IDC cautioned that its March projections—which exceeded 11 percent—were anomalous.

SAP Competes with ‘Organic Growth’

How do you stay at the top of the heap in the business software game? If you're SAP, you do it through “organic growth,” not blockbuster acquisitions.

EMC announces managed services portfolio

EMC has introduced a managed services portfolio that enables customers to manage their information storage infrastructure with help from onsite EMC personnel.

Two free utilities for developers

Lumen Software has released two free utilities: Lumenation v6.0 SDK LightBulb, a middleware framework, and AJAX z-Windows engine. According to Lumen, it aims to provide users with business-ready AJAX/LAMP+ app dev, no matter their backgrounds in platforms such as Java, ASP, FoxPro, Access and Dbase.

Red Hat acquires JBoss; takes open source to next level

Red Hat Linux has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire JBoss; Red Hat believes the combination of the product lines will accelerate enterprises shift to SOAs by making open-source platforms available to customers that seek to lower dev and deployment costs.

More Vista security details emerge, but will enterprises bite?

The next-generation Microsoft operating system packs needed security features, but the adoption forecast for Windows-weary enterprises is cloudy.

New front in the doc format war

Another state government has joined the debate over how best to guarantee long-term access to office documents, free of the restrictions of proprietary software or the limitations of outdated technologies.

BEA ups ante for SharePoint integration and .NET development

Two new BEA Systems products aim to increase value and ease of use for customers using both Java and .NET platforms; the new releases are a milestone on what BEA calls its “unified portal roadmap,” announced last December.

Netcordia membership ‘A catalyst for rapid innovation’

Network analysis tool provider Netcordia has been selected for membership in Avaya’s DeveloperConnection program, which promotes the development, compliance-testing and co-marketing of innovative third-party products that are compatible with standards-based Avaya solutions.

Enterprise service bus for serviced-enabled environments

New features in IONA Technologies’ Artix 4.0, the latest version of the company's extensible Enterprise Service Bus, address the needs of customers deploying SOA in highly complex, mission-critical heterogeneous environments.

Big three take on the Google phenomenon

Oracle has thrown its hat into the enterprise search arena, joining IBM and Microsoft in a market Gartner estimates has annual revenues as high as $370 million.

Q&A: Straight talk on mainframe futures

Seagull Software’s Andre Den Haan isn’t a knee-jerk contrarian—but he also isn’t afraid to call it as he sees it