Application Development Trends' News

Eclipse to fund university research

The Eclipse consortium moved this week to expand on earlier IBM efforts with the creation of the Eclipse Technology Project, an open-source project that supports research, education and engineering initiatives undertaken to integrate multiple computing technologies using the so-called Eclipse Platform.

Bringing analytics to the corporate masses

Many organizations yearning to get their feet wet with custom analytic applications are running into problems caused by a lack of necessary Java and JavaScript resources. That problem led analytics software company Alphablox Corp. to take a do-it-yourself (or, more accurately, a "let-them-do-it-themselves") approach with the latest version of its Alphablox development platform, which works with multiple vendors' application servers to create J2EE-based analytic applications.

Serious CRM results from Web services games

XML, SOAP, UDDI and WSDL are not generally associated with fun and games, but a Los Angeles-based company named YaYa has developed an application that combines play and Web services with serious CRM results.

Bridging the BizTalk-Web services divide

Montreal-based Codagen Technologies Corp. has brought out a tool that company officials said can quickly bridge the gap between BizTalk and Web services.

IBM boosts VA Software push

VA Software just inked a deal with IBM that could better position the company as an enterprise player in the software development market.

Heavy hitters crowd onto the open-source bandwagon

Last week's LinuxWorld Conference and Expo saw a pronounced increase in the presence of major hardware and software makers, and served as background for a number of important industry announcements.

Fisch named Iona COO

Iona Technologies turned to outsider and veteran technology executive Steve Tisch to take over as chief operating officer.

Standardizing the Penguin

Three of the leading Linux distros became Linux Standards Base (LSB) certified last week, according to the Free Standards Group.

Sybase updates app server and PowerBuilder

Sybase announces the first phase of the beta version of PowerBuilder 9.0 and an open application server with J2EE 1.3 compatibility.

Serena goes for single source of control for code, Web

Serena Software has added XML Services to the latest release of its mainframe change management product.

IBM, Microsoft and BEA get together on Web services specs

IBM, Microsoft and BEA jointly announce three proposed specifications for defining, creating and connecting multiple business processes in a Web services environment.

Borland unveils Borland Delphi 7 Studio

Borland has unveiled Borland Delphi 7 Studio, a cross-platform rapid application development environment for the Windows platform.

Sybase introduces Borland JBuilder 7 Enterprise--Sybase Edition

Sybase Inc. has introduced Borland JBuilder 7 Enterprise--Sybase Edition, a Java development solution that provides integration of application development life-cycle elements.

ATG and Autonomy announce OEM and reseller relationship

Autonomy will provide advanced enterprise information retrieval capabilities for the ATG Search Module, a key component of ATG6.

Rational Software acquires NeuVis Inc.

Twenty-six former NeuVis employees have joined Rational and will play a key role in Rational's strategy to help its enterprise IT customers build business applications.

Evans finds JVMs growing fast in embedded systems

Embedded systems developers appear to be implementing Java Virtual Machines in increasing numbers, according to a survey completed last month by Evans Data Corp.

Systems tool set for LinuxWorld debut

Since its failed plan to merge with Linux distro TurboLinux earlier this year, San Francisco-based Linux services provider Linuxcare Inc. has been quietly regrouping and aiming its efforts toward last week's unveiling of a new tool for the provisioning and configuration of large-scale Linux deployments on mainframe systems.

HR-XML Consortium extends HR standard

The non-profit HR-XML Consortium has updated its data interchange standard for employee benefits enrollment in HRIS systems to accommodate more insurance carriers and third-party benefits administrators.

Compuware: One Java, .NET size doesn't fit all

It is probably easier for Red Sox and Yankee fans to find common ground than it is for adherents to Java or .NET.

Web services and XML groups join forces

Two organizations developing standards for XML and Web services are joining larger standards bodies to advance their technology.