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  • Mission-critical software: Delivered

    Our customers are a testament that, YES, you can build anything on OutSystems. You can build that simple expense report app, but you can also build that mission-critical customer portal your CXO has been requesting for the last 6 months. Want to see for yourself? We’re sharing how 8 global brands have used OutSystems high-performance low-code to build those game-changing applications their business demands.

  • What visionary CIOs do differently

    Global leaders share how their IT teams build better businesses. Ever wondered how some CIOs keep their teams ahead of the curve in spite of resource constraints, changing business imperatives, and the constantly evolving landscape of AI? Well, wonder no more. We sat down with seven IT luminaries to reveal what innovative tech leaders do to keep their companies moving forward.

  • Your Hybrid Infrastructure is Under Attack

    The nature of hybrid infrastructure presents a host of security challenges. Hybrid architectures require an unprecedented level of interconnectivity as, essentially, everything connects to everything else. This white paper walks you through implementing security in your hybrid infrastructure without slowing down innovation.

  • The Total Economic Impact™ of Palo Alto Networks VM-Series Virtual Firewalls

    Securing digital transformation across environments takes VM-Series virtual firewall efficiency and cost-effectiveness. In-depth and extensive Forrester Consulting research commissioned by Palo Alto Networks has discovered a significant 115% ROI over three years with a six-month payback period for these virtualized NGFWs.

  • Five Key Challenges in Private Cloud Security

    No one would argue that security is ever easy, but private cloud security is becoming progressively more difficult due to expanding attack surfaces and more sophisticated threats. The traditional approach of relying on a security perimeter to divide the world neatly into trusted and untrusted zones simply does not fit today’s hybrid cloud architectures and cloud native development strategies.

  • Protect Kubernetes Environments with CN-Series Firewalls

    As container adoption steadily rises, organizations using traditional security methods are struggling to control their containers without slowing the speed of development. This e-book explains how CN-Series Container NGFWs provide full visibility and control in Kubernetes® environments, align cloud native security across your deployment, and unify security management in hybrid infrastructures.

  • Obtaining Best-in-Class Network Security with Cloud Ease of Use

    Get the details about how Cloud NGFW is fully managed by Palo Alto Networks and easily procured in AWS Marketplace. In this solution brief, you’ll get an understanding of network-based threats in the cloud – and see how you can meet these challenges. You’ll see the advantages of not managing any infrastructure, easy deployment, and ways to secure your AWS Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) with Cloud NGFW.

  • Bringing Zero Trust Security to the Public Cloud

    You face many decisions about your public cloud. One of the most critical is your approach to security. See how a Zero Trust network security platform can protect you in the public cloud – all while improving ROI, productivity and user experience. Whether it’s AWS®, Microsoft Azure®, Google Cloud Platform or something else, you’ll have it covered. Download now to learn how the network security platform can protect you in the public cloud while improving processes across the board.

  • Top 10 Considerations for Your Next-Gen SD-WAN

    In this new white paper, Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) takes a look at the 10 things a next-generation SD-WAN solution should consist of as organizations consider deploying long-term solutions.

  • SD-WAN: Protect Branches with Zero Trust

    Modern enterprises must stay proactive to meet customer needs and protect all data, users and apps no matter where they're located. The onslaught of new apps and the explosion of IoT devices make the attack surface challenging to manage. Traditional branches don't accommodate the type of security architecture necessary to protect employees, diverse and distributed apps, and a rapid increase in IoT devices.

  • Palo Alto Networks Prisma SD-WAN Delivers Exceptional User Experience, Holistic Network Security, And IT Operations Automation

    Palo Alto Networks commissioned Forrester Consulting to examine the potential return on investment organizations may achieve by deploying Prisma®️ SD-WAN. The December 2023 Total Economic Impact™️(TEI) Spotlight of Palo Alto Networks Prisma SD-WAN offers guidance and illustrates its greatest benefits.

  • The Power of Next-Generation SD-WAN with App-Defined Fabric

    In today's world, applications, users and businesses are distributed. With that comes the challenge for IT and network engineers to ensure performance and resiliency for all applications while securing users and the apps they access. This is a must-read whitepaper that shows you how application awareness can deliver an unmatched user experience.