
Borland unveils Borland Delphi 7 Studio

Borland has unveiled Borland Delphi 7 Studio, a cross-platform rapid application development environment for the Windows platform. The product features full support for new and emerging Web services, integrated model-driven development and preview capabilities for the Microsoft .NET framework.

With Delphi 7 Studio users can develop their skills and prepare applications for .NET without abandoning their existing work and skills on the Windows platform.

In addition, the product features enterprise application design and deployment, allowing developers to take advantage of enterprise application development from concept to production with the new UML designer and model-driven architecture (MDA) technology.

Delphi 7 Studio will be available in Architect ($3,499), Enterprise ($2,999), Professional ($999) and Personal ($99) versions.

A 30-day Delphi 7 Studio Architect trial is available as a download from

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