Application Development Trends' News

IBM Expands Support for Open Source Development

Developers building Eclipse-based apps will have sturdier shoulders to lean on later this year. At EclipseWorld, IBM announced new software that’ll support the building of open source IDEs.

Microsoft's New Virtual Server Beta Supports AMD-V

Microsoft has released the second beta of its Virtual Server 2005 Release 2 Service Pack 1. Beta 2 includes the promised support for AMD's hardware-assisted virtualization technology (AMD-V).

Microsoft Targets Earlier ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Ship Date

ASP.NET developers won't have to wait until next year to use Microsoft's AJAX server controls and client-side JavaScript library if things go according to plan. Microsoft's target ship date for its AJAX technology is now around the end of 2006.

Eclipse Popularity Rises: Heterogeneity on the Desktop is Back

The Eclipse Foundation kicks off its EclipseWorld Enterprise Developer Conference in Boston this week with some hot survey numbers: Sixty percent of 384 respondents queried for Evans Data's 2006 Annual Eclipse Global Enterprise Survey say they're using the open source, Java-based platform as their primary IDE.

Biz Process Dev Tool Integrates Visual Studio

The building blocks for speedy biz app development just got more inclusive. A tool that lets .NET developers envision their apps during the programming process, now integrates Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.

Is Java, .NET Migration Worth the Dough?

According to the Yankee Group, 60 percent of businesses cling to legacy software for four to six years. Research fellow Laura DiDio says that’s because enterprises are concerned with the cost of migration. But should they be?

SOA drives need for XML security

Deliberate attacks on Web services is one obvious risk enterprises take when building such apps, and sloppy data can wreak just as much havoc. But one expert says XML security is where it’s at for adopters of service-oriented architectures (SOA).

Oracle moves beyond the bundle for SOA

Oracle's latest version of its SOA Suite offers substantial upgrades to the January 2006 release. The key enhancement, available now to developers in a preview, is integration of all components into a "cohesive" platform.

Software Brings Transparency to Dev Environment

A day in the life of a developer is just a few clicks away with a software analysis solution that displays what, when and how long they’re working on projects. But reps say this is more than Big Brother knocking on developers’ doors.

Will Open Source Be One of Your BI Sources?

The Open-Source movement has not been ignored by data warehouse and biz intelligence vendors. While the Linux operating system and the Apache Web server have become the poster children for the open source community, the range of open-source products available today includes database and biz intelligence software as well.

Oracle Updates Free Browser-Based Dev Tool

Oracle has just released a new version its free, browser-based app dev tool: Application Express 2.2. Known internally as APEX, the tool has been integrated with all editions of Oracle Database 10g and Oracle9i Database Release 2.

Success Stories from the Age of Legacy Integration

It’s a challenge to bring the mainframe into the modern age of service-oriented architecture but there’s a huge payoff once the job is done.

IBM alphaWorks Helps Developers Ramp Up RFID Skills

Developers interested in getting up to speed on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology have a new resource: IBM's alphaWorks Web site. IBM is using its online, emerging technology showcase to provide free downloads of new tools and training on the development, testing, deployment, and management of RFID solutions.

Business Objects Embraces Eclipse

Skeptics might have scoffed when Business Objects SA announced plans to develop a version of its ubiquitous Crystal Reports reporting tool for Eclipse, but—as savvy industry-watchers note—there is a certain undeniable logic to this move. After all, the development world isn’t an Eclipse-only enclave.

Intel tool tackles threading in C++

Intel Corp. extended its multi-threading dev toolset this week with a C++ runtime library. The threaded app is designed to take advantage of multi-core processors by running “threads of execution”—typically one thread per execution core—allowing the app to perform tasks simultaneously.

CICS-to-XML Software Simplifies Dev Process

Web services can be a tangled web indeed when developers are responsible for building them with legacy data. But move over mainframe experts, a new solution eases the process for users working within any dev environment.

Sybase Makes Dual Push: Data Integration, SQL Anywhere

It’s been a long time since Sybase Inc. was a major player—at least in its bread-and-butter relational database segment. Sybase’s mobile or embedded database solution, SQL Anywhere, is another story altogether, however: it’s all-but ubiquitous as a lightweight database for embedded applications.

New Yahoo Shield May Dry Up the Phishing Well

Phishing is one of the fastest growing security threats today but one search engine is developing a solution that lets users secure their info by customizing their login pages.

SOA’s ‘Heterogeneous Jungle’ Demands Data Integration

Navigating a jungle can be a hair-raising experience and, when it comes to service-oriented architectures, so can the app integration process for developers. But just like any safari has a guide, solutions are out there that guide through the uncharted territory.

Microsoft Offers to Help Firefox Devs Port Code to Vista

Microsoft executives may have a hard time talking about open source software without getting their blood up, but the company appears to be taking a pragmatic approach when it comes to Windows Vista and the growing popularity of the Firefox browser.