Application Development Trends' News

OASIS Unfurls Standard for Digital Signatures

New standard provides better support for e-commerce and enterprise security.

Study: IIS More Likely To Be Compromised

Google surveyed 70,000 domains issuing malware, finding that about half of it is coming from IIS and Apache servers.

Java Migration Solution Supports Visual Studio 2005

Mainsoft has enhanced its solution, which creates Java bite code via a .NET-based platform.

Microsoft Releases Virtual Vista Versions

Trials of Vista and Visual Studio 2005 facilitated through virtualization, blogger says.

Microsoft Releases Open XML SDK

New kit helps with the development of Office business applications.

Microsoft Plans Visual Studio Shell

New developer tool suite, integrating various languages, is expected to ship with Visual Studio 2008.

Live Meeting 2007 Release To Come This Fall

Microsoft's conferencing software will feature improved integration with Office Communication Server.

Microsoft: Windows Server 2008 Not Delayed

Microsoft blog estimates release to manufacturing date will be sometime in the second half of 2007.

Sun Studio 12 Supports Linux, Multi-Core

New IDE provides tools for C, C++ and FORTRAN developers.

Cisco Confirms OS Security Holes

Cisco issues alert and update to fix vulnerabilities in its Internetwork Operating System.

SQL Server 2008 CTP Released

Microsoft issues community technology preview (CTP) of its database server, initially named "Katmai."

Infragistics Working on Silverlight, ASP.NET 3.5 Controls

New tools being readied for ASP.NET product suite called "Project Aikido."

Open Source Code Tracking Offered to ISVs

Palamida rolls out software risk management solutions to help ISVs identify open source code in their applications.

Microsoft Makes Another IP Protection Deal With Linux Company UPDATED

Deal with Xandros mimics Microsoft's recent pact with Novell, promising not to sue over alleged patent violations in open source code.

IIS7 Added to Server Core

Microsoft announced at TechEd that its Internet Information Services 7.0 solution will be available as an installable component in Windows Server 2008.

OSGi Alliance Issues New Core Spec

The group's recommendations now include a JSR 291 spec for constructing Java modules and improving system performance.

Oracle Upgrades, Expands .NET Offerings

New betas enhance database development capabilities in Visual Studio.

A 'Stirling' Release for Microsoft

Management interface for Microsoft's suite of security products gets second beta release.

Google Goes Offline

Company announces Google Gears, which helps to create "offline web applications" using Google Apps, an open source Office-like software suite accessed over the Web.

Study: Open Source Software to Grow by 26 Percent Annually

Partners providing services shouldn't overlook "emerging open source opportunities," analyst says.