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  • The Future of R&D Organizations

    Research and Development (R&D) is a crucial part of software delivery. Successful organizations establish a step-by-step R&D pipeline. Read this paper to learn more about the New Feature Implementation Cycle. Learn more.

  • DevOps ebook

    Read this ebook to learn about Continuous QA that is needed as part of best practices for DevOps including providing continuous test strategies, end-to-end test integration, and DevOps test infrastructures and frameworks. Learn more.

  • Logo: IBM

    The Total Economic Impact of IBM Watson Studio and Watson Knowledge Catalog

    IBM commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study and examine the potential return on investment (ROI) enterprises may realize by deploying Watson Studio and Watson Knowledge Catalog. The results? A projected ROI of 459%, achieved in less than six months. Learn more.

  • Logo: IBM

    The Total Economic Impact of IBM Watson Studio and Watson Knowledge Catalog

    IBM commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study and examine the potential return on investment (ROI) enterprises may realize by deploying Watson Studio and Watson Knowledge Catalog. The results? A projected ROI of 459%, achieved in less than six months. Learn more.

  • Logo: IBM

    The Total Economic Impact of IBM Watson Studio and Watson Knowledge Catalog

    IBM commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study and examine the potential return on investment (ROI) enterprises may realize by deploying Watson Studio and Watson Knowledge Catalog. The results? A projected ROI of 459%, achieved in less than six months. Learn more.

  • Logo: IBM

    IBM Watson® Studio and Watson Knowledge Catalog Make Data and AI more Accessible With Governance

    IBM Watson Studio is built to be an enabler of self-service, helping data scientists bring AI, machine learning, and deep learning to life. Read this report to understand how IBM adds in functionality around governance and data prep as well as increased capabilities around deep-learning-as-a-service, automated model testing, drag-and-drop neural network design using popular open frameworks, and embedded, pretrained, customizable Watson APIs. Learn more.

  • Logo: IBM

    IBM Watson® Studio and Watson Knowledge Catalog Make Data and AI more Accessible With Governance

    IBM Watson Studio is built to be an enabler of self-service, helping data scientists bring AI, machine learning, and deep learning to life. Read this report to understand how IBM adds in functionality around governance and data prep as well as increased capabilities around deep-learning-as-a-service, automated model testing, drag-and-drop neural network design using popular open frameworks, and embedded, pretrained, customizable Watson APIs. Learn more.

  • Operating Kubernetes Clusters and Applications Safely

    This practical eBook walks you through Kubernetes security features—including when to use what—and shows you how to augment those features with container image best practices and secure network communication. Learn more.

  • Actionable APM: Your Guide to Modern Application Performance Monitoring

    Application Performance Monitoring (APM) is nothing new, but innovations in this space have made APM more insightful, more detailed and more actionable in its ability to improve a team's ability to produce flawless customer experiences. Learn more.

  • Logo: IBM

    The Total Economic Impact of IBM Watson Studio and Watson Knowledge Catalog

    IBM commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study and examine the potential return on investment (ROI) enterprises may realize by deploying Watson Studio and Watson Knowledge Catalog. The results? A projected ROI of 459%, over three years, achieved in less than six months. Learn more.

  • Logo: IBM

    The Ethics Of AI: How To Avoid Harmful Bias And Discrimination

    How aware are you of hidden bias in your machine learning models and neural networks? A biased model can harm your customers, your brand and your business if it results in unintended, unexplainable actions against individuals or groups. Learn more.

  • Free Download: Melissa Magazine’s Essentials for Data-Driven Success

    Learn about our latest data quality and enrichment APIs, range vs. point data geocoding, matching strategies for global records, data integration platform comparisons, GDPR, and other articles on data challenges, big and small.