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    Forrester Names IBM a Leader in Machine Learning Data Catalogs

    The promise of AI is that it will deliver digital transformation and improve productivity and efficiency across businesses. For many of our customers, IBM Watson has already helped deliver on this promise – by enriching customer interactions, accelerating research and discovery, empowering employees, and mitigating risk. Learn more.

  • Logo: IBM

    Forrester Names IBM a Leader in Machine Learning Data Catalogs

    The promise of AI is that it will deliver digital transformation and improve productivity and efficiency across businesses. For many of our customers, IBM Watson has already helped deliver on this promise – by enriching customer interactions, accelerating research and discovery, empowering employees, and mitigating risk. Learn more.

  • The State of Application Development 2018 Research Report

    How are application development priorities, strategies, and approaches adjusting to the digital age? This report, compiled from an OutSystems survey of over 3,500 IT pros in 116 countries, has the answers to this question and more. Learn more.

  • Buyer's Guide to Evaluating Fraud Detection Tools

    This guide provides expert insight on the essential capabilities you need in a fraud detection tool. From machine learning and an advanced rule engine to dynamic authentication flows, learn the nine key requirements to look for when comparing fraud solutions. Learn more.

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    The Hidden Costs of Hand Coding Your Integration

    Read this paper to learn about a hybrid integration solution with pre-built workflow templates providing instant, low-cost integration that can be done in hours, with zero coding. Read today!

  • In-Memory Computing: Addressing Emerging Data-Intensive Use Cases

    In GridGain System’s paper learn how in-memory computing platforms address use cases driven by digital transformation, real-time processing, and petabyte scale applications. Read more.

  • Choosing the Right In-Memory Computing Solution

    This GridGain System’s paper clarifies the differences among in-memory computing product categories to make the process of choosing the right IMC solution for a specific use case much easier. Read more.

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    eBook: Enabling Agile Database Development with Toad

    Life is all about choices. You can choose to muddle through manual tasks, or you can get the e-book on automating agile database development. One choice will slowly drive you nuts, and the other will make you the MVP of your team. Save your sanity. Get this e-book.

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    Unlock the Full Potential of DevOps

    Many organizations are turning to DevOps to help them succeed in today’s intensely competitive markets. By embracing Database DevOps practices, which emphasize collaboration and communica¬tion between development, operations and other functional areas, they can build, test and release software faster and with fewer defects. Learn more.

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    Speed Your DevOps Pipeline by Including Database Development

    In this tech brief, you’ll see how the Quest® Toad® DevOps Toolkit solution enables you to bring Oracle development into your Database DevOps pipeline, making for better and more reliable application deployments. Learn more.

  • Database DevOps: Six Tips for Achieving Continuous Delivery

    Discover 6 tips for continuous delivery with Database DevOps, in this new, free, 9-page whitepaper from Redgate. Covers version control, branching, tests, automation, and more. Read it now.

  • How DevOps Solves the Top Five Challenges in Software Product Development

    DevOps has come a long way, and we see a tremendous increase in adoption in recent years. To surpass competition and stay ahead in the growth curve, it has become an essential component for IT organizations. Learn more.