
Fujitsu Cobol added to .NET

Microsoft Corp., at its Tech ed conference last week in Atlanta, divulged that its COBOL for Microsoft .NET product, based on Fujitsu Software Corp.'s Fujitsu Cobol will be incorporated into the Visual Studio .NET environment.

Observers said Microsoft's decision to include Cobol in the new Visual Studio toolset adds the language of legacy systems to the emerging .NET environments. Officials said that the move allows Cobol programmers to program in the Visual Studio .NET environment easing the task of integrating legacy Cobol code into new applications.

"COBOL is an important language in many enterprises," said Tom Button, Microsoft vice president of developer tools. "We believe that the integration of COBOL with Visual Studio .NET will open up many new avenues and opportunities for corporations."

Preview copies of Fujitsu COBOL for Visual Studio .NET are available from the Fujitsu COBOL Web site: Updates to this preview will be provided between now and the full release of the product once Visual Studio .NET., Fujitsu said.

About the Author

Mike Bucken is former Editor-in-Chief of Application Development Trends magazine.