
HP adds middleware technologies

Hewlett-Packard continued to strengthen its middleware business by signing agreements with middleware providers Iona Technologies, Rational Software, Tibco Software and WebGain. HP said it plans to integrate technology from each supplier into its Netaction Internet Operating Environment (IOE) by integrating solutions from these vendors.

John Capobianco, general manager of strategic marketing at HP's Middleware Division, described the IOE as "next-generation" middleware that can enable rapid development, integration, and deployment of services. The IOE is an application server environment that comprises an integrated suite of Internet software products, including the HP Bluestone software suite, HP e-Speak software, and HP Process Manager software. HP Bluestone provides J2EE-and XML-based middleware solutions, including application server, distributed transactioning, wireless application, and syndication technologies. HP e-Speak provides the e-services management framework. It registers, describes, and advertises via the Internet the services made available by in-house and third-party providers. HP Process Manager is HP 's process management, workflow, and integration technology. It enables the rapid creation and deployment of business processes across and beyond the enterprise.

Iona's Orbix 2000 Object Request Broker (ORB) will be embedded in HP Bluestone Total-e-Server application server, which incorporates J2EE and XML technologies. Capobianco said the Iona ORB will provide a distributed object infrastructure to support the integration of disparate software components for the development and deployment of new e-business applications.

The Rational Suite of development tools and Rational Unified Process will be tightly integrated and optimized for HP Netaction IOE, Capobianco said, to simplify the development, integration, and deployment of enterprise applications. Teaming with Santa WebGain brings similar advantages to users of its tools, including VisualCafe Enterprise Edition, WebGain Studio TopLink, and Application Composer, Capobianco says.

HP will work with Tibco extend Netactions's capabilities to allow high-volume, online transactions between customers' disparate enterprise applications, he said.

About the Author

John K. Waters is a freelance writer based in Silicon Valley. He can be reached at [email protected].