Open Source Development News & More

Minnesota Event To Support Open Source

Open source software is the subject of a forum series, starting on March 23, at the Minneapolis Community and Technical College.

Eclipse Milestones Released for AJAX, Dynamic Languages

The Eclipse Foundation has announced three new project milestone releases that extend the open-source Eclipse framework to support AJAX and dynamic programming languages, such as Python, Ruby, and Tcl.

Sun Releases New Dev Tools for OpenSolaris

Sun Microsystems is releasing new tools and expanded services to make it easier for developers to build and deploy Web infrastructures on the open-source Solaris 10 operating system.

Intalio Donates Workflow Framework to Eclipse

Intalio is donating its Tempo project to the Eclipse Foundation. Tempo is the first open-source workflow framework to support IBM and SAP's BPEL4People model. Available under the Eclipse Public License, the framework will become part of the foundation's SOA Tools Platform project.

Novell Releases Mono 1.2

Mono brings .NET execution to Linux and other platforms.

Sun Releases Java Platforms under GPLv2

Sun Microsystems announced today that it has begun the process of releasing its Java Platform Standard Edition (Java SE) and a buildable implementation of its Java Platform Micro Edition (Java ME) as free software under the open-source GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2).

New NetBeans Release Aimed at the Enterprise

Sun Microsystems and the NetBeans community last week announced the general availability of the latest version of the free, open-source NetBeans integrated development environment. NetBeans 5.5 comes with new features aimed at enterprise software developers.

Microsoft’s Novell Deal -- What’s It All About

Analysis: Once bitter rivals now working on a peaceful relationship in business and desktop realms.

Profile: A Fresh, Open Source ECM Platform

Alfresco Software provides a fresh, open source alternative for enterprise content management. Following the release of its Java SDK, Alfresco is looking to make its system the ECM platform for Web 2.0.

Firefox 2.0 Ships

Less than a week after Microsoft shipped the long awaited Internet Explorer 7, it's Mozilla's turn. Final code for Firefox 2 officially became available for download on Tuesday afternoon.

New Eclipse IDE Eases Open Source SOA

Open source platforms offer flexibility and faster time to production if your team is adept at hand coding and working with command lines. LogicBlaze, sponsors of an open source SOA distribution, released an Eclipse-based dev environment last week designed to do some of the heavy lifting for you.

Borland Advances Eclipse-Based Modeling Platform

Borland Software Corporation on Friday announced a major upgrade of its Together 2006 for Eclipse, an enterprise-modeling platform designed to support architects, Java and C++ developers, Unified Modeling Language (UML) designers, business process analysts, and data modelers.

IBM Expands Support for Open Source Development

Developers building Eclipse-based apps will have sturdier shoulders to lean on later this year. At EclipseWorld, IBM announced new software that’ll support the building of open source IDEs.

Eclipse Popularity Rises: Heterogeneity on the Desktop is Back

The Eclipse Foundation kicks off its EclipseWorld Enterprise Developer Conference in Boston this week with some hot survey numbers: Sixty percent of 384 respondents queried for Evans Data's 2006 Annual Eclipse Global Enterprise Survey say they're using the open source, Java-based platform as their primary IDE.

Software Brings Transparency to Dev Environment

A day in the life of a developer is just a few clicks away with a software analysis solution that displays what, when and how long they’re working on projects. But reps say this is more than Big Brother knocking on developers’ doors.