Application Development Trends' News

Systems tool set for LinuxWorld debut

Since its failed plan to merge with Linux distro TurboLinux earlier this year, San Francisco-based Linux services provider Linuxcare Inc. has been quietly regrouping and aiming its efforts toward last week's unveiling of a new tool for the provisioning and configuration of large-scale Linux deployments on mainframe systems.

HR-XML Consortium extends HR standard

The non-profit HR-XML Consortium has updated its data interchange standard for employee benefits enrollment in HRIS systems to accommodate more insurance carriers and third-party benefits administrators.

Compuware: One Java, .NET size doesn't fit all

It is probably easier for Red Sox and Yankee fans to find common ground than it is for adherents to Java or .NET.

Web services and XML groups join forces

Two organizations developing standards for XML and Web services are joining larger standards bodies to advance their technology.

App servers in battle for OEMs

OEM deals have gained in significance for application server maker BEA Systems since it first brought the WebLogic server on the scene.

.NET, Apache link seen as boost to Web services

Developers can now use Microsoft .NET to build applications linking to the popular Apache Web server, according to San Francisco-based Covalent Technologies Inc., which markets Apache 2.0 as part of its Enterprise Ready Server.

JDE boosts internal testing process

Enterprise applications vendor J.D. Edwards is putting a new twist on application performance management by working to optimize an application while it's in development rather than in a production environment.

Study touts WLAN as key to 3G mobile

The proliferation of Wireless LANs (WLANs) will add $2.8 billion to the so-called third generation (3G) mobile data market by 2005, complementing rather than threatening the future of that market, concluded UMTS Forum in a report dubbed "Impact & Opportunity: Public Wireless LANs and 3G Business Revenues."

UDDI control shifts to OASIS

The future of one of the key building blocks of Web services applications has been placed in the hands of an international standards body.

IBM buys PricewaterhouseCoopers unit for $3.5 billion

IBM moved to strengthen its consulting business with the purchase of PricewaterhouseCoopers’ global business consulting and technology services unit. -July 31

Oracle developers get .NET boost

Lost in the hoopla of the .NET lovefest in Redmond last week was the unveiling a technology that Microsoft officials promise can provide IT developers the ability to more easily integrate applications built on the .NET framework with Oracle databases.

Sprint seeks partners to extend network

Sprint has unveiled a new strategy calling for partnering with system integrators and hardware manufacturers to voice-enable corporate applications to be hosted on the Sprint telecommunications network.

Can Grid meet its challenges?

Industry maven Ahmar Abbas sees grid computing, the collaborative, network-based model that enables the sharing of data and computing cycles among many processors, as a new paradigm that could dramatically alter the IT industry's competitive landscape.

SBI to buy downsized Lante

Salt Lake City-based SBI has agreed to acquire consultant Lante Corp., Chicago, in a move to boost its expertise in manufacturing, retail, transportation, telecommunications, financial services and consumer packaged goods industries.

CommerceOne sets Web services course

Can Web services champions convince skeptical corporate IT managers that this emerging technology can make it safe to spread the confidential data outside the firewall? Struggling CommerceOne, once an Internet high flyer, is betting big that the model can work.

SALT telephony products emerge

The SALT Forum, a group of technology companies working together to accelerate the development of speech technologies in telephony and so-called multimodal systems, has released the 1.0 version of its Speech Application Language Tags (SALT) specification.

SyncML comes of age

Gregg Armstrong, CEO and president of Starfish Software, along with colleagues from Ericsson, IBM, Lotus, Matsushita, Motorola, Nokia, Openwave and Symbian, joined forces to establish a single, synchronization protocol based on XML. By the end of 2000, the initiative produced the first specification of SyncML.

NEWS ANALYSIS: Lies, damned lies and benchmarks?

There's one set of benchmarks that no one seems to want to talk about anymore -- The TPC ( These performance benchmarks were once the darling of vendors like Oracle and Sun. The problem now is that the top TPC benchmark products are dominated by Microsoft.

Business Objects to buy Acta

Business Objects has agreed to acquire data integration specialist Acta Technology as part of an effort to evolve from a business intelligence (BI) tools provider to an enterprise analytic platform player.

HP vows support for WLAN 'hot spots'

More details are emerging from Hewlett-Packard Co.’s pledge last month to support the concept of wireless LAN "hot spots" with a new initiative aimed at providing high-speed wireless access points in large, public areas, such as airports, hotels and restaurants.