
The code is not the documentation

Why do so many projects fail to go that last mile by providing the documentation that would make them actually useable?

Review: MasterList Professional

Task and time management is one of those areas where many developers seem to have trouble. If you're in that boat, MasterList may have an answer for you.

Get thee behind me, angle brackets!

Why is it that some people want us to spend our lives grubbing around in the intricacies of XML policy files? I don't know, but I don't especially like it.

Book Review: Designing Effective Database Systems

Many of us dream about running a small software company the right way. Usually that includes a list of books to demand that new employees read. I think I've found a new one to put on my imaginary list.

Briefing: ScaleOut StateServer

Running up against the limits of ASP.NET's shareable session state alternatives? ScaleOut Software is offering an attractive high-performance replacement.

Would you like a slice of FUD with your Java?

James Gosling recently claimed that .NET had a giant security hole. Personally, I wish he'd checked the FUD at the door.

News bits

Time to clear out the mailbag full of press releases and other detritus. This time around, I've got the word from Bookpool, Stylus Studio, asnd InstallAnywhere.

Interoperability - but on whose terms?

Bill Gates says interoperability is one of Microsoft's chief concerns. But just what does he mean by that?

Review: Visible Developer

If you're looking for an approach to building .NET applications that doesn't have you grubbing around in code immediately, take a look at Visible Developer. Its excellent design tools and comprehensive code generation make it possible to turn databases ino 3-tier applications with ease.

Book Review: eXtreme .NET

Extreme Programming and .NET burst on to the development field at about the same time. In this book, Dr. Neil Roodyn shows you the first steps in combining the two.

THINKPIECE: Utility computing throttles app dev's value

As enterprises discover value in utility computing, application developers must shift their focus to service if they are to survive.

Why Coding Standards?

Organizations adopt coding standards to ensure the delivery of reliable applications. See how standards can help reduce time for reviews and correct violations automatically.

DE-CODER: Sarbox gives security a nudge

Business usually recoils at government meddling, but federal laws and regulations, especially the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, may actually be helping information security efforts.

Apps on Tap

Enterprises warm to the idea of buying software as a service because of the low upfront costs and quick return on investment.

Making a more versatile Workplace IDE: It’s all about J2EE and Web services

Making a more versatile Workplace IDE The biggest obstacle to Workplace’s uptake could be the absence of a powerful and easy-to-use IDE that’s on par with Domino Designer. IBM’s Rational Application Developer, the default Workplace IDE, is based on the open source Eclipse framework and has a dedicated following in the J2EE tools space.

Product Review: Macromedia gives boost to RoboDemo

Macromedia Captivate enables virtually anyone to record on-screen activity to create software demonstrations and interactive simulations in Flash. It allows users to edit content, add media applications, and provide visual screen instructions. It’s based on eHelp’s RoboDemo desktop recording software.

LETTERS: The Readers' Forum

ADT gets letters from readers.

DE-CODER: Architecture Lines up with Business Goals

To keep pace with competitors in the annuities market, Transamerica Life Insurance Company had to find a way to leverage its legacy information systems as it forged ahead with plans to remain a key player in a faster, changing business environment that required more responsive technology.

Tips for buying hosted software

For software decision makers and others charged with purchasing business software, SaaS will be both novel and familiar. The fundamental principles of contract negotiation haven’t changed just because a new buzzword has been added to the lexicon. You’ll still need to determine how many seats you need for a given app, then determine the term of the contract, and finally seek the deepest discounts.

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