Enterprise Architecture News & How-To

Does Service Enablement Equal Vendor Entitlement?

SOA enthusiasts have been trumpeting a coming generation of composite applications—applications that are composed of multiple, independent, plug-and-play services.

AAA Carolinas Improves Customer Service with SOA

AAA Carolinas has about 900 employees across North and South Carolina, serving 1.5 million residents. For years, the company processed all of its customer information through an AS/400-based insurance policy system, manually pushing “a lot of paper” through AAA Carolinas, says Harry Johns, the company’s manager of insurance information technologies.

Oracle's Phillips Outlines Oracle Fusion Architecture Strategy

Oracle president Charles Phillips kicked off the annual Oracle OpenWorld conference, under way this week in San Francisco, with a keynote focused on the convergence of the company's three lines of business—database systems, middleware and applications—which are combined in the company's implementation of a service-oriented architecture called Oracle Fusion Architecture.

SOA Fatigue: It’s the People and Processes, Stupid

Large-scale service-enablement is a doomed enterprise for one important reason, some codejockeys argue: bureaucratic infighting.

Primary Reasons to Upgrade to Windows Vista

Peter O'Kelly summarizes the daunting amount of Windows Vista information presented at PDC 2005 last week. Find out what''s changing between Longhorn and Vista, what aspects of Vista are being ported and more.

Vendors Introduce SOA Maturity Model for Businesses, IT

Sonic Software, AmberPoint, BearingPoint and Systinet this week introduced a model intended to guide businesses that are evaluating service-oriented architecture.

MS Advances in Collaboration, Content Management

Microsoft is poised to make major strides in its collaboration portfolio with SharePoint V3, Office 12, and other offerings. Here''s a review and analysis of the collaboration-related updates from PDC 2005.

IBM’s SOA Evangelist Touts Ad Hoc App Dev Vision

Kareem Yusuf, director of SOA product management with Big Blue, says he understands why developers, more than any other enterprise constituency, are skeptical about SOAs, composite applications and loosely coupled application architectures as a whole. It’s a healthy skepticism, he concedes.

Big Blue Bulks Up SOA Efforts

IBM this week announced new and enhanced software to help enterprises respond to their ever-changing processes through service-oriented architecture.

SOA Design Should Be "Intentional"

To get the broader benefits of service-oriented architecture—reuse, agility and runtime governance—companies need to design their SOAs deliberately.

Red Oak Opens Legacy Composer to Java Development

Red Oak Software today introduced an Eclipse-based version of its Legacy Composer to help developers integrate legacy applications across enterprises and eventually integrate these apps into service-oriented architectures.

Components for SOAs and Other App Dev Projects

The result of the partnership between LogicLibrary and TopCoder reached earlier this year is that TopCoder’s components for Java and .NET are now stored in Logidex, LogicLibrary's collaborative SDA management solution.

Massachusetts Promotes Open Standards as SOA

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is promoting an Enterprise Open Standards policy that advocates using open-source office applications while at the same time it sets guides for moving to a service-oriented architecture.

Effective SOA Management

Your management system must ensure that the business processes running and exposed as services in the SOA live up to expectations. Paul Lipton shows you the way to effective SOA management.

SOA in One Neat Package

If you’re one of the many IT pros who are still trying to figure out the business value of service-oriented architecture and what you need to do to build one, take a look at “Service-Oriented Architecture: Concepts, Technology, and Design,” by Thomas Erl.

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