
SOA in One Neat Package

If you’re one of the many IT pros who are still trying to figure out the business value of service-oriented architecture and what you need to do to build one, take a look at “Service-Oriented Architecture: Concepts, Technology, and Design,” by Thomas Erl. It’s a hefty, 760-page book, published by Prentice Hall PTR, that provides step-by-step instructions for modeling and designing service-oriented solutions from the ground up.

This new book contains more than 125 case studies and 300 diagrams that illustrate the most important aspects of building SOA platforms: goals, obstacles, concepts, technologies, standards, delivery strategies, and processes for analysis and design.

Among its many topics, the book contains step-by-step processes for service-oriented analysis and service-oriented design; an exploration of service orientation as a distinct design paradigm; a study of SOA support in .NET and J2EE development and run-time platforms; descriptions of Web services technologies and specifications, including explanations of how they interrelate; and guidelines for service-oriented business modeling and the creation of specialized service abstraction layers.

Erl is the founder of SOA Systems, an enterprise solutions provider specializing in SOA consulting and training services. Previously, he wrote “Service-Oriented Architecture: A Field Guide to Integrating XML and Web Services,” also published by Prentice Hall.

You can buy the book for about $45 from (where it has received high marks from reviewers) and similar online book sellers. You can also find out more about its contents and SOA in general at here and here.

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