My annual blog contribution

Okay, so I'm really lazy about this blog thing. I can't remember the last time I wrote anything. And that's the problem with blogs. Experts say like 83.67 percent of people who start blogs quit after 3 months (or something like that). It's not that there isn't stuff to write about, the problem is finding the time to write. I suspect most people who contribute regularly to their blogs don't have much else to do. Man, I'd love a gig like that, but I can't find anyone who would pay enough for me to feed the philistines at my bank, credit union, barista and bookie.

You also have to wonder what in the heck they have to say that's really worthwhile if they're not out there getting involved in whatever it is they're blogging about. Follow me?

Okay, I hear you. If you're going to do a blog, at least you oughta write something more that every other month or so. I promise I'll do better. Please stop sending me nasty notes about my work ethic. I'm working on it, honest.

While I'm talking about blogs, look for John Waters' new blog, which we'll launch next week. Many people who check in here know John. He works at the ground level, covering the latest doings in the IT world. He's going to do a reporter's notebook kind of thing where he'll blog about the news coming out of shows, conferences and other industy events. Over and out.

About the Author

Michael Alexander is editor-in-chief of Application Development Trends.