January/February 2001 Development Solutions Buyer's Guide
Development Solutions Buyers Guide...the most efficient business-to-business media buy in the professional software development market.
Development Solutions Buyers Guide is inserted into Application Development Trends, Java Report and Journal of Object Oriented Programming...three uniquely positioned, highly respected, and widely read publications, which reach a combined global audience of over 144,000 authoritative technical professionals.
101communications' Development Solutions Buyers Guide offers marketers an authoritative audience of well-placed technical professionals who greatly influence tool adoption and product purchases across multiple levels within their organizations...and throughout virtually every imaginable industry and business sector.
From advanced C++ programmers to high-level drag-and-drop Java developers...from three-tier client/server to nth-tier distributed computing...from the expert QA engineer to the enterprising CIO, the Development Solutions Buyers Guide provides the latest information on emerging technologies to an eclectic group of authoritative technical professionals.
For more information, contact
Maurine Blake
tel: 212.268.7766, x156
email: [email protected]
Absolute Software
Advanced Software
Avant Soft
Chant, Inc.
Dinkumware Abridged
Interactive Objects Software
InterObject Systems Incorporated
Keystone Learning
Number Six Software
Object Mentor
Object Oriented Concepts
Popkin Software
Tall Tree Software
Visual Object Modelers
Western Wares
Wind River Systems, Inc.

Cross the Finish with Number Six
Voted Number One in Rational Services
You want to win the race? Deliver your software fasterwith better quality? Choose Number Six Software. We're the top pit crew on the e-development race circuit. That's according to customers in an online survey sponsored by Rational Software.
Number Six combines software engineering best practices with practical know-how. We don't just teach the latest OO and web technologies, tools and languages. We live and breathe this stuffon the frontlines and on the sidelines. Our services include consulting, training, mentoring and development. We translate theory into solutions to real-world, e-development problems.
It's that kind of know-how that helps you maximize your software capabilities and cross the finish line first.
Call now or visit www.numbersix.com for our OO and web technology course list with upcoming open-enrollment dates. And ask us about our discounted rates.
Number Six Software, Inc.Voted Rational's Best in Complementary Services
1655 North Fort Myer Drive, Suite 1100
Arlington, VA 22209
v: 703.516-2880 / 888.292.NUM6
email: [email protected]

Advanced Technology Consulting and Training
Process and UML
- An Introduction to Object Technology
- Requirements and Object-Oriented Analysis
- Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with UML and Patterns
- Advanced Object Design with UML and Patterns
- The Unified Process
- Managing Advanced Technology Software Projects
- An Introduction to Java Technology and Architecture
- Java and Object Design for Non C Programmers
- Java and Object Design for C/C++ Programmers
- Building Web Applications with Java
- Advanced Java and Object Design
- Designing an Internet Application with J2EE and EJB
- Essential CORBA Development with Java
- Essential C++ and Object Design
- Intensive C++ and Object Design
- Advanced C++ and Object Design
5080 Spectrum Dr., Suite 1010 West
Dallas, Texas 75001
V: 972.789.1200 1.800.249.0123 f: 972.789.1340
www.valtech.com / [email protected]

Extreme Programming (XP) Training and Mentoring
Object Mentor, Inc.
Better Software at Internet Speed. Everybody is talking about XP and with good reason. The practices of XP enable developers to rapidly develop software and adapt it to their customers' needs. Students rave about our XP Immersion Training, where you learn from the creators and practitioners of XP.
Our XP training and mentoring compliments our industry leading object-oriented design and programming services.
Visit objectmentor.com for more information and articles on advanced software development technologies.
Object Mentor, Inc.
V: 1.800.338.6716 f: 847-548-6853
Email: [email protected]

Keystone Offers Over 1200 Self Paced Learning Courses
KeyStone learning Systems is the industry leader for self-paced information technology training. KeyStone's certified trainers provide easy-to-use instructions for people who value content-rich, value-added education. With more than 1,200 titles available, KeyStone has what you are looking for.
Call 1-800-603-4983, mention code MDS and get one level of training FREE for every level you purchase at regular price. Learn C++, Visual Basic, Java, XML and many more. See our full line of training courses online at www.keystonelearning.com or call for a FREE catalog.
KeyStone Learning Systems
Toll Free 1-800-603-4983
[email protected]

eCentra.com: Online Application Services for IT Professionals (ASP)
eCentra.com provides e-business application services for the IT community.
What can eCentra.com do for you?
Professional IT Consultants: Increase your business opportunities. Take advantage of eCentra.com's RFQ service. Respond to quote requests for free.
IT Managers: Find the best solution for all your IT projects with eCentra.com's e-marketplace.
Developers, IT/QA Managers: eCentra.com features IOS/Track, a customizable problem-tracking application for your organization.
Interobject Systems Inc.
4655 Old Ironsides Dr. #250, Santa Clara, CA 95054
P: (408) 970-8260
F: (408) 970-8265
[email protected]

Store Complex Java and C++ Objects Fast
POET Software Corporation
Want faster and easier application development for your corporate R&D teams? Built around POET FastObject Technology, POET Object Server Suite (OSS) is the leading embedded object-oriented database for Java and C++ applications. The technology makes storing of complex application objects easy and fast for you, as well as providing the performance and scalability that your customers demand.
Download a FREE trial edition of POET object database and start developing your applications today! Go to http://www.poet.com/downloads/oss.
Email [email protected]
or call POET Sales at 1-800-950-8845

Extending data beyond the corporate enterprise! PointBase the first 100% Pure Java data management solution designed to support applications for mobile wireless devices and Internet appliances. Program in the small and automatically synchronize with huge corporate databases.
Visit our website for a FREE 30-day evaluation copy: www.pointbase.com/jrbg.
PointBase, Inc.
Toll Free: 1-877-238-8798 (U.S., Canada)
650-230-7200, #2 (International)
email: [email protected]

Consulting • Training • Mentoring • Placements
SYSNETICS delivers object oriented technology for software architecture, design and development of large-scale distributed systems. Services include consulting, training, mentoring, and permanent placements.
Object Oriented Technology
- Java, C++, Smalltalk
- OOAD In House Training
Distributed Technology
- EJB, WebLogic
- CORBA In House Training
Object Oriented Methods & Tools
- UML, Use Cases, Booch, Rumbaugh
- Rational Rose, Paradigm Plus
SYSNETICS, Inc., 150 153rd Ave., Suite 300B, Madeira Beach, FL 33708
v: 800.270.6099 f: 727.398.6099 email: [email protected]

Embedded Database Technology For all your development needs!
Programmers worldwide have used FairCom database technology for years to handle mission critical data in embedded apps, vertical apps, web, e-business, etc. Develop royalty free apps or scale to the FairCom Server by simply recompiling! FairCom's server is known as a "plug-n-play" Server. Install it, start it, and forget it! FairCom's tools are fast, portable and proven.
- Support for 25+ platforms
- Full Source
- Free development Servers and ODBC Drivers
FairCom Corporation
800-234-8180 or 573-445-6833
[email protected]

Webgain Studio
WebGain Studio tightly intergrates VisualCafé, StructureBuilder and TOPLink and Macromedia Dreamweaver helping developers quickly build Java component-based solutions. WebGain Studio is an open, standard-based solution that works seamlessly with existing databases, OS platforms, and Java2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) application servers. Based on industry standards such as servlets, Java Server Pages(JSP), Enterprise JavaBeans(EJBs), UML, COBRA and JDBC, WebGain Studios gives IT organizations the freedom of choice and ventor independence they need, without compromising the depth or quality of their primary development environment.

Black Books. Solutions. Now.
From the Coriolis Group
Coriolis' cutting-edge Technology Press was created to provide you with quality books that guide you through major projects and everyday tasks by breaking down a large topic into more easily manageable components. This makes it easier for busy professionals to efficiently solve their most challenging technical problems.
The Black Books are essential problem solvers and trouble-shooters crafted for intermediate to advanced users, developers, network specialists, system administrators, and programmers. Visit the bookstore at www.coriolis.com to learn more.
Voice: 480.483.0192
Fax: 480.483.0193

Utilizing the industry-standard Unified Modeling Language (UML), GDPro is the quickest way to integrate analysis, design and reengineering into your development process.
GDPro is a complete visual UML modeling solution for accelerating software design and collaborative development. It allows application developers to create and communicate across the enterprise using simple, comprehensive visual blueprints of Java, EJB, C++ and IDL code. Features include: Markerless round-trip engineering; Inter-model synchronization; Web system reports; VBA customization; Best-of-breed lifecycle tool integrations; and Rose Import. Download a full feature, free evaluation at www.gdpro.com.
7851 South Elati St. Suite 102
Littleton, CO 80120
V: 303.730.7981 1.800.811.ASTI
F: 303.730.7983
Email: [email protected]

Dinkum® Abridged Library for Windows® CE
The Dinkum® Abridged Library for Windows® CE provides a powerful subset of the ISO/IEC Standard C++ Library with optional exception handling and namespaces. Our compliant ISO/IEC C++ Standard Template Library and the Dinkum C Library plus the Dinkum EC++ Library make this a powerful bridge to Standard C++ for embedded systems. Pricing start at $2500 for five user license and is packaged for the WinCE Toolkit V5/6, Enhancement Pack 2.1, and Platform Builder. The Dinkum® Abridged Library for VC++ is available for use with Microsoft Visual C++ in developing applications. Single User License starts at $120.
Dinkumware, Ltd.
398 Main Street Concord MA 01742
v: 978 371-2773 f: 978 371-9014
email: [email protected]

Talking with Technology
It's Simple. It Works.
Code your application.
Add SpeechKit components.
Talk with your voice-enabled application.
Let SpeechKit components handle the complexities of speech recognition and text-to-speech for your apps. You can voice-enable all your apps because SpeechKit components work with all your favorite programming languages and even on the Web.
Chant Inc.
8820 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 204
Los Angeles, CA 90045
v: 310-410-9895 f: 310-410-9896
email: [email protected]

OO Training, Consulting and Mentoring since 1985
"Excellent teaching and maintaining student involvement"
Computer Sciences Corporation, 1999
- Distributed Client-Server
- Embedded Real-Time Systems
- Development Processes
- Languages, Methods & Tools
PMB #517
5620 Paseo Del Norte #127
Carlsbad, CA 92008-4444
Phone: (760) 929-0612
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.abssw.com

Webgain Studio
WebGain Studio tightly intergrates VisualCafé, StructureBuilder and TOPLink and Macromedia Dreamweaver helping developers quickly build Java component-based solutions. WebGain Studio is an open, standard-based solution that works seamlessly with existing databases, OS platforms, and Java2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) application servers. Based on industry standards such as servlets, Java Server Pages(JSP), Enterprise JavaBeans(EJBs), UML, COBRA and JDBC, WebGain Studios gives IT organizations the freedom of choice and ventor independence they need, without compromising the depth or quality of their primary development environment.

CC-RIDER: Visualize and Document Your C/C++ Code
CC-RIDER is a powerful C/C++ Source Code Visualization Tool. It includes a flexible Windows-based interface which graphically displays program structure in terms of class hierarchies, function calls, data usage, #include file nesting and much more. Automatic documentation is generated in RTF, HTML, WinHelp and Text formats, and graphical charts can be exported.
CC-RIDER is essential for penetrating frameworks, embedded and UNIX Codeplus new programmers get up to speed quickly. Accurate source code analysis and open architecture give the advantages of hypertext and graphical navigation to any compiler or editor.
Western Wares
Box C Norwood, CO 81423
v: 970 327-4898 f:970 327-4479
email: [email protected]

Understand your code with SNiFF+!
Powerful source code analysis, browsing, reverse engineering and integration environment
SNiFF+ helps you understand your codefast! As the premier Source Code Analysis solution, SNiFF+ allows you to visually analyze, browse, navigate, reuse and reengineer your source code using simple mouse clicks. Even if your software project involves millions of lines of code, you can use SNiFF+ to quickly and easily navigate and understand your source code and perform complete queries in just seconds.
SNiFF+ integrates easily with your favorite editors, compilers, debuggers, CASE and SCM tools and supports Unix and Windows developers programming in C/C++, Java, CORBA IDL and FORTRAN.
Get your free evaluation copy of SNiFF+ today! Call, email or visit www.windriver.com to download your evaluation copy now and start saving time with SNiFF+.
Wind River Systems, Inc.
[email protected]

Training & Consulting: Java, XML, EJB
AvantSoft offers entire spectrum of up-to-date courses including Java, EJB, XML, and CORBA. Our consulting services can help you build enterprise-wide and internet-based multi-tier, distributed object solutions.
Our typical testimonial:
"Instructor knew more about (EJB) tools than people who developed the tools. Great job!"K.T., IBM
Our courses support new Certification Initiative for Enterprise Development.
Visit our website for free EJB poster.
AvantSoft, Inc.
v: 408-530-8705 f: 408-530-8703
email: [email protected]

Software Solutions for eBusiness
Axys Solutions is a leading software and eBusiness consultancy serving Fortune 1000 and emerging companies. Axys software experts take on full responsibility for complex projects, or provide guidance through challenging phases of an existing development or integration effort.
Skilled in analysis and design, the company's consultants approach software development from a business point of view using distributed component technology to provide flexible, robust, scalable and expandable software architectures.
Architecture • Project Management • Integration • Outsourcing
[email protected] • www.AxysSolutions.com
v: 972.383.2400 f: 972.383.2401

Visual UML
Object Modeling using the Unified Modeling Language
Visual UML is an affordable, easy-to-use, powerful UML (Unified Modeling Language) object modeling tool that supports all OMG UML 1.3 diagram types: Class, Object, Use Case, Package, Collaboration, Deployment, Component, Activity, State, and Sequence diagrams. Features: Multiple document interface, integrated model/data dictionary, diagram export (WMF, BMP, HTML, JPEG, EPS, PNG, TIFF, etc.), project explorer, use case editor; XML interface, import/export/merge models, automation interface. Also available: Visual Basic and Visual FoxPro code generation & reverse engineering; Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) integration. Price: $495$995. Free downloadable demo available from our web site.
Visual Object Modelers
v: 1.800.900.1902 or 303.448.8835 f: 303.415.2500
email: [email protected]

The Fastest Database Engine
Discover CodeBase, the fastest and smallest database engine on the market that's also fully xBASE-compatible. Query a million-record table in 0.49 seconds, or read 300,000 records in just 0.86 seconds. It's lightening quick!
- Royalty-Free distribution
- Supports VB, C, C++, Delphi, Java, OLE-DB/ADO & ODBC
- Client/Server, multi-user & single user
- Portable to Windows 95/98/NT/2000/CE/3.1, OS/2, Macintosh, Linux, UNIX, etc.
- Multi-user compatible with FoxPro, Clipper & dBASE
Sequiter Software, Inc.
v: 780.437-2410 f: 780.436-2999 email: [email protected]

Webgain Studio
WebGain Studio tightly intergrates VisualCafé, StructureBuilder and TOPLink and Macromedia Dreamweaver helping developers quickly build Java component-based solutions. WebGain Studio is an open, standard-based solution that works seamlessly with existing databases, OS platforms, and Java2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) application servers. Based on industry standards such as servlets, Java Server Pages(JSP), Enterprise JavaBeans(EJBs), UML, COBRA and JDBC, WebGain Studios gives IT organizations the freedom of choice and ventor independence they need, without compromising the depth or quality of their primary development environment.

Source Code Documentation System
DocJet is the premier tool for building documentation for your project. It reads your source code, finds all the objects in your system and any comments associated with them and then builds documentation for you.
- It reads C, C++, VB, IDL and Java source code.
- It adapts to your commenting conventions-no need for weird markers cluttering up your code.
- It produces output in HTML, HTMLHelp, RTF (for MSWord) and Microsoft Help formats.
- With its companion product, AltHelp, you can access your HTML or HTMLHelp output from Developer Studio or VB just like documentation from Microsoft!
Visit www.talltree.com and download a free evaluation copy today!
Tall Tree Software Company
3104 King Street, Austin, TX 78707
v: 512.453.4909 f: 512.288.5055 sales: 877.756.2654
e-mail: [email protected] http://www.talltree.com

Dinkum C++ Library for GCC/Solaris or GCC/Linux Available Now!
The Dinkum® C++ Library for GCC/Solaris or for GCC/Linux includes our Dinkum® C Library. The Dinkum® C++ Library is completely compliant with the ISO/IEC 14882 C++ Standard. Use these Dinkum C++ Library packages with the GCC V2.95.2 compiler under either SPARC Solaris or PC Linux.
Dinkumware offers a commercial software license product that contains no Gnu Code. You can purchase it at www.dinkumware.com and download it immediately.
Single User License starts at $90.
Dinkumware, Ltd.
398 Main Street Concord MA 01742
v: 978 371-2773 f: 978 371-9014
email: [email protected]

The Architectural IDE for J2EE/EJB
Winner of IBM Solution Excellence Award
The ArcStyler assures full-cycle architectural integrityfrom business requirements to automatic generation of UML/EJB components for leading containerswith its integrated Convergent Business Modeler, Pattern-based Refinement Assistant, Rose-based UML/EJB-Refiner, Architecture Verifiers, Open XMI/XML Java repository for EJB's and CORBA Components, Open template-based EJB Generator-IDE/Debugger, Optimized EJB-Cartridges for WebLogic/TopLink, WebSphere, IAS, J2EE-GUI Framework and more.
Load the full-function demo from http://www.ArcStyler.com and check out our complete architectural service and training offerings for EJB and CORBA based EAI.
Interactive Objects Software GmbH
Basler Strasse 65
D-79100 Freiburg
v: ++49.761.400730 f: ++49.761.4007373
email: [email protected]

Webgain Studio
WebGain Studio tightly intergrates VisualCafé, StructureBuilder and TOPLink and Macromedia Dreamweaver helping developers quickly build Java component-based solutions. WebGain Studio is an open, standard-based solution that works seamlessly with existing databases, OS platforms, and Java2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) application servers. Based on industry standards such as servlets, Java Server Pages(JSP), Enterprise JavaBeans(EJBs), UML, COBRA and JDBC, WebGain Studios gives IT organizations the freedom of choice and ventor independence they need, without compromising the depth or quality of their primary development environment.

Objekt-orientiertes Programmieren
January 2226, 2001
January 2325, 2001
ICM International Congress Center Munich
Moving into the next generation
Munich is the place to be this January when SIGS Conferences/101 celebrates the 10th anniversary of Europe's largest and most successful object-oriented event, with OOP 2001.
Who should attend:
- Programmers, Developers and Engineers
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SIGS Conferences GmbH
Odenthaler Str. 19 • D-51465 Bergisch Gladbach • Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 2202 9372-0 • Fax: +49 (0) 2202 9372-2 • Email: [email protected]