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  • Logo: IBM

    The Forrester Wave™: AI-Based Text Analytics Platforms, Q2 2018

    Forrester evaluated Watson Explorer's powerful machine learning and cognitive search capabilities with leading text analytics vendors. Watson Explorer is recognized as a leader for its accuracy of analytics, breadth and depth of functionality, ease of customization and scalability. Read the report to learn how Watson Explorer can help your organization gain actionable insights easily. Learn more.

  • Logo: IBM

    The Ethics of AI: How to Avoid Harmful Bias and Discrimination

    Read this Forrester report to learn: Three ways that data, models and algorithms can go wrong, real-world examples of model-driven bias, Forrester’s framework for ensuring that models are “FAIR”.

  • Logo: IBM

    The Forrester New Wave™: Conversational Computing Platforms

    This report evaluated the most significant conversational computing platforms, diving into each vendor’s current offering and strategy and including customer feedback. IBM was cited for its developer-friendly tools and enterprise expertise requirements, which give developers access to the tools and technologies they need, while providing industry and enterprise support for their businesses.

  • Logo: IBM

    Watson Masterclass: Customer Service & AI Episode 2: Getting Started

    Now that you’ve proven that AI will meet your business needs, it’s time to get started. You are about to embark on a journey that will transform your business and will bring tremendous value to your clients. This episode will outline how to make the beginning of your journey that much easier with three simple steps: 1. Creating your strategy 2. Building the team 3. Preparing your data

  • Logo: IBM

    Watson Masterclass: Customer Service & AI Episode 1: Why Conversational AI?

    Before making the decision to begin the Conversational AI journey, you must understand the drivers and approaches for building a conversational solution.  This will help you define your strategy.  This episode will give you insight into what conversational AI is, the best use cases for AI in customer services, and how to prove that your solution will positively impact your organization.

  • Logo: IBM

    IBM Watson OpenScale - Solution brief: Learn how to manage trusted AI and measure business outcomes, at scale

    Be confident in your AI. IBM Watson OpenScale helps solve AI’s black box problem by providing insights into AI health, recommending next steps to improve outcomes, and orchestrating tasks to remediate issues around performance, accuracy, and fairness. Learn more.

  • Logo: IBM

    The Ethics Of AI: How To Avoid Harmful Bias And Discrimination

    While the potential existential threat of artificial intelligence is well publicized, the threat of biased machine learning models is much more immediate. Customer insights (CI) pros must learn how to identify and prevent harmful discrimination in their models, or businesses will suffer reputational, regulatory, and revenue consequences. Learn more.

  • Logo: IBM

    IBM’s “Explainable” AI –Building Transparency and Trust into Artificial Intelligence

    Solving the Problem of "Black Box" AI. IBM is creating solutions designed to make AI processes and results more explainable, understandable and trustworthy to help tackle the problem of "black box" AI.

  • How DevOps Solves the top 5 Challenges in Software Product Development

    DevOps has come a long way, and we see a tremendous increase in adoption in the recent years. To surpass competition and stay ahead in the growth curve, it has become an essential component for IT organizations. As per the recently released 2017 State of DevOps Report high performing organizations that effectively utilize DevOps principles, achieve higher levels of customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

  • RedHat

    Agile Integration Is Critical To Successful Digital Transformation

    An Agile Integration Strategy Drives Success - For this study, we assessed the differences between successful and less successful Agile integration and app delivery strategies, why some firms can change their business faster, and what makes one integration strategy better than another. Get insights now.

  • RedHat

    API Owner's Manual

    A business survives when it extends its core competencies in new ways. Increasingly, one of the paths to innovation lies with application programming interfaces (APIs). APIs allow a business to take traditional revenue (and traditional customer and partner interactions) and carry them into a different technological foundation. Learn more.

  • RedHat

    Eight Steps to Cloud-Native Application

    The cloud-native application development approach modernizes existing applications and builds new applications based on cloud principles, using services and adopting processes optimized for the agility and automation of cloud computing. Learn the eight main steps to success. Find out more.