No matter how you slice the data, JavaScript, Java and Python rule in the open source world, confirmed the big yearly Octoverse report just published for 2018 by GitHub.
Google has shipped the final preview of its open source Flutter project, which uses the company's Dart programming language to build native iOS and Android mobile apps.
A new study examined hundreds of popular Android apps for security vulnerabilities, finding that the improper use of open source software puts organizations and users at risk.
This version of the one-year-old platform has been optimized for Kubernetes cluster deployment.
Hortonworks, IBM and Red Hat announced the Open Hybrid Architecture Initiative, seeking to provide a common enterprise deployment model to enable Big Data workloads to run across hybrid on-premises, multi-cloud and edge architectures.
The new report from the TIOBE index of programming language popularity notes that for the first time, the open source Python has cracked the top three, displacing 33-year-old workhorse C++.
Open source community volunteers have shipped an update to the Babel compiler that makes modern JavaScript compatible with older environments, adding speed, easier configurability and much more.
While previous efforts to combine NativeScript and the Angular framework for Web and native apps go back at least a couple of years, the teams this week announced an approach with a new ingredient: the open source NativeScript Schematics.
Aqua Security released the open source kube-hunter tool for penetration testing of Kubernetes clusters, used for container orchestration.
The RTE plugin works with the company's Apache JMeter, an open source Java application designed to load test functional behavior and measure performance.
The Amazon Alexa dev team has published an open source extension for developers using the Visual Studio Code editor to create and deploy Alexa skills.
After a nearly eight-month pre-release preview, the Dart 2 programming language has emerged as a stable release that includes many breaking changes in a revamp that focuses on mobile and Web client-side development.
Succeeding Android 8 Oreo, Android 9 Pie has launched, sporting by a bevy of new developer/user features enabled by machine learning.
Much has been made of Microsoft's embrace of open source and shift toward interoperability and collaboration, and that trend is exemplified in the new preview release of F#.
Microsoft shipped TypeScript 3.0, the latest edition of the open source programming language that provides a strict syntactical superset of JavaScript with the addition of optional static typing.