Application Development Trends' News

Gartner: Data mart promises don't add up

Second thoughts about customized data marts.

BEA adds business integration toolset

Company releases platfrom for building service-oriented Java apps.

OMG task force OKs UML 2.0

New modeling language set for release this spring.

FCW in Mid-East: 'Quantum leap' in wartime logistics

IT tools and systems are helping the Army improve logistics over Desert Storm

Gartner CEO predicts 2004 recovery

Industry expert says sunny skies are ahead... sometime.

Sun: Huge Web services gaps must be filled

Software evangelist calls for better and more standardized Web services.

New virtual machine tools available for PCs running Windows and Linux

VMware release a new version of its virtual machine software.

Sun finally gains WS-I board seat

Web services pioneer to take part in setting Web services standards.

IBM describes free Web services starter kit

Company gives a running start to Web services implementation.

Merant, Mercury link PVCS and TestDirector

Two firms integrate their change and test management tools.

Eiffel unveils .NET plug-in update

New Web service plug-in for Visual Studio.

A new BioIT resolver asks: Why can’t we share?

IBM has announced that it contributed its implementation of the Life Sciences Identifier (LSID) Resolver software to open source.

Service crucial to Web services future

Getting Web services to do more.

Gartner: New spec will halt 'XML-itis'

A counterintuitive cure for the ever-growing number of XML specifications.

Parasoft previews SOAPtest 2.0

First look at a new testing product.

In-memory scheme, messaging mark Iteration reporter rollout

Bringing real-time reporting to business intelligence.

Microsoft move could slow Web services

MS resigns from standards group.

Linux adds boost to Motorola phones

Open source goes mobile.

Tool aimed at boosting 'untapped' ATM

Mining for gold in underused bandwidth.

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