
In-memory scheme, messaging mark Iteration reporter rollout

Business intelligence industry veteran Ken Gardner, late of Sagent and ReportSmith, is on the move again as he seeks to chart start-up Iteration Software's journey through the unknown waters of real-time reporting.

Gardner, Iteration's CEO and founder, said messaging-based architectures are "how things are going to be done" in the future of data reporting. Iteration's system can also work with established data warehouse systems, but the spread of message-based environments is the key to truly up-to-date reports on business operations, he said.

Iteration's software suite relies on an in-memory data architecture. This may off-put some people. But Gardner sees merit in the approach "as memory gets cheap, or architectural approaches are going to change. Having big intelligent caches in your architecture will not be controversial," he said.

Earlier this month, Gardner's company released its Iteration Real-time Reporting Suite for the enterprise. With the system, reports update on screen in near real-time without the need for queries or manual refresh as underlying data changes. Events and triggers are such that the system in operation would tend to provide a real-time executive cockpit much enhanced vs. traditional reporting systems, viewers suggest.

About the Author

Jack Vaughan is former Editor-at-Large at Application Development Trends magazine.

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