Application Development Trends' News

CA Supports Solaris 10 with Unicenter and BrightStor

Computer Associates is set to port its Unicenter Database Management System to Sun Microsystems' Solaris 10 operating system, supporting both Oracle and IBM databases. CA also plans to make its BrightStor storage management solutions available on the OS.

Making the Most of the Underpinnings of Open Source

Lots of people talk about the growing success of open-source software, says Winston Damarillo, but few recognize that much of that success comes from technical underpinnings that make open source work.

IBM Unveils Apache Geronimo-Based Software and Support

IBM on Tuesday announced new open-source software and support, based on core technology from the J2EE-certified Apache Geronimo application server.

ObjectWeb’s Petal’s Project Blooms

ObjectWeb, an international nonprofit consortium of companies and research organizations, yesterday announced Petals, a project aimed at developing an ObjectWeb Java Business Integration (JBI) platform.

The Ottawa Hospital Prescribes DINMAR for IT Ailments

Healthcare IT specialist DINMAR, in conjunction with the Ottawa Hospital in Ontario, announced on Monday the completion of the first stage of a broad-scale implementation of DINMAR’s Java-based electronic health record platform, Oacis EHR.

Quality First, Success Second

The relative success or failure of an IT project may depend on the exact meaning of the word success. That’s one upshot of new research from consultancy Cutter Consortium, which found that IT projects premised on quality improvements—such as increased customer satisfaction, product quality or staff productivity—were much less likely to fail than projects evaluated in terms of other objectives—such as whether they came in on time and under budget.

Cape Clear Launches Seminar Series

Cape Clear Software said on Monday that it will host a series of SOA Architects Forums--free, interactive workshops to provide practical guidance for service-oriented architecture implementations.

Supply Chain Gets Power from SOA

According to a new Aberdeen Group research report, "Service-Oriented Architecture in the Supply Chain: What Supply Chain Managers Need to Know," companies are adopting SOA to solve their most pressing technology issues.

Data Security Breaches and the Bottom Line Impact

Think the damage from security breaches can be contained? When it comes to consumer opinion, don’t count on it. According to a recent survey, only 8 percent of consumers who receive a security breach notification do not blame the organization that suffered the breach. In addition, 19 percent of consumers who received a notification took their business elsewhere, and 40 percent were considering doing so.

Data Managers are Hottest of the Hot

What’s hot for 2006? According to salary researcher and management consultancy Foote Partners, data management is a sizzling technology sector.

SOA to Drive IT Infrastructure New Year

As a customer's overall experience becomes the biggest driver of profit growth, corporate technology departments increasingly look to service-oriented architecture technologies to make the entire organization flexible and market-centric, according to the results of a survey of almost 150 participants attending the recent Siebel Customer World conference.

Vendors Release App Fabric, Compliance and Automation Upgrades

ORLANDO—Appistry, Axentis and Opsware are some of the vendors that took advantage of the Gartner Symposium/ITxpo to introduce new product upgrades.

U.S. Doesn’t Need U.N. to Run the Internet, Senator Says

Sen. Norm Coleman, a Minnesota Republican, introduced on Tuesday a nonbinding resolution intended to keep Internet oversight out of the hands of the United Nations.

Tableau Says Its Data Viz is the Biz

Tableau Software probably isn’t the first name that comes to mind when you think of data visualization software, but the company Monday announced version 1.5 of its data visualization suite, touting usability and connectivity improvements, such as out-of-the-box support for Microsoft’s forthcoming SQL Server 2005 database release.

Gartner: SOA and Other Trends to Change How Apps Interoperate

Service-oriented architecture and enterprise service buses will affect app dev and integration over the next 5 years, according to Roy Schulte, a Gartner analyst, at this week’s Gartner Symposium ITxpo in Orlando, Fla.

Modular Code and Bot Nets Target Enterprises

Symantec’s biannual Internet Security Threat Report highlights the degree to which computer systems attackers now rely on modular code. Although the number of new vulnerabilities is beginning to level off, the number of malware variants is increasing.

Free Standards Group Advocates Linux Desktop Project

The Free Standards Group, a not-for-profit org that promotes open-source software standards, and the Linux Standard Base workgroup announced Tuesday it formed the LSB Desktop Project.

Tough Decisions for Old Apps

Web enabling or exposing mainframe applications to new and different constituencies—including non-mainframe applications—is supposed to be easy, provided organizations have prepared by separating their app’s business logic from its presentation logic.

IDC Names Eight Macro-Trends Reshaping Enterprise Software

Market researchers at IDC have come up with eight significant, industry-changing trends they say will reshape the enterprise software industry.

SOA Visionaries Releases Survey Results

The SOA Leaders Council, a community of SOA end users, announced the findings of a survey it conducted at SOA Leaders Council meetings in June and July of 2005.