
IDC Names Eight Macro-Trends Reshaping Enterprise Software

IDC Names Eight Macro-Trends Reshaping Enterprise Software
By ADT Staff

Market researchers at IDC have come up with eight significant, industry-changing trends they say will reshape the enterprise software industry. These “macro-trends” are:

  • Enterprise Workplace
  • Enterprise Solutions Platform
  • Intelligent Process Automation
  • IT Life-Cycle Management
  • Information Governance
  • Intellectual Property Management
  • Dynamic IT Infrastructure
  • Virtualization

"The macro-trends foreshadow major disruptions in the software industry,” claims Henry Morris, group VP and GM integration, development, and app strategies research. “For example, enterprise solutions platform highlight a shift from ERP suites as the center of gravity in applications. Intelligent process automation speaks to the rising importance of operational decisions as the target for improvements in business efficiency. And the pull of compliance brings renewed attention to information governance across the enterprise.”

IDC's Insight, Software Macro-Trends: Reshaping Enterprise Software (IDC is for sale at 508-988-7988 or email

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