Application Development Trends' News

Oracle's Quarterly Patch Fixes 36 Java Security Flaws

On Tuesday Oracle issued a Critical Patch Update for 144 vulnerabilities in their products, including 36 fixes for Java Standard Edition 7 (Java SE 7).

Neo4j 2.0: The Graph Database Has Arrived

Neo Technology on Tuesday announced the general availability of Neo4j 2.0, which adds a new schema construct Cypher query language improvements, among other changes.

Coverity Testing Platform Expands Java Web App Coverage, Revamps C# Analysis Engine

Coverity this week released a new version of its namesake software development testing platform.

Spring Framework 4.0 Unifies Java App Architecture and Big Data in the Cloud

Pivotal has released the first major update of the Spring Framework since 2009.

JNBridgePro 7.1 Allows Access to Java Code from Visual Studio 2013

JNBridge has upgraded its flagship product, JNBridgePro, to allow developers to access Java code from Visual Studio 2013.

Atlassian Integrates Confluence and JIRA for Agile Best Practices

Enterprise software toolmaker Atlassian this week announced tighter integration between its JIRA issue tracking application and its Confluence team collaboration platform.

IntelliJ IDEA 13 Adds Full Support for Java EE 7, Android Dev

JetBrains released the annual update of its flagship Java integrated development environment (IDE) this week.

MyEclipse 2014 Java IDE Released

MyEclipse 2014 comes with full support for Java EE 7, enhanced REST Web Services, new mobile tools and JDK 1.7 support, among other new features.

Concurrent Seeks to Lower Hadoop Adoption Barrier for SQL Coders

Concurrent Inc. this week released Cascading Lingual, an open source project designed to give developers a standards-based SQL interface for creating and working with Big Data applications on Apache Hadoop.

Java PaaS Provider Teams with Red Hat on OpenShift 'Cartridges'

Jelastic this week announced an upcoming collaboration with Red Hat to promote the global standardization of pluggable PaaS "cartridges" for Red Hat's OpenShift cloud computing platform.

Amazon Announces Real-Time Big Data Processing Service

Amazon yesterday introduced its Kinesis service for real-time processing of never-ending Big Data streams to facilitate instant business decision-making.

Google Releases Dart SDK 1.0

Today the company released the Dart SDK 1.0, which Google engineerLars Bak said in a blog post marks the language's "transition to a production-ready option for Web developers."

CSA Crafting Enterprise Cloud Security Framework

The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) Wednesday launched an initiative that would aid enterprises in using cloud computing services to protect infrastructures.

Oracle Pulls Commercial Support for GlassFish App Server

Oracle says it will stop providing commercial support for new versions of the GlassFish application server, though it will continue to deliver updates for the open-source edition.

Red Hat's PaaS Extended to OpenStack Cloud Development

Red Hat this week at the OpenStack Foundation Summit in Hong Kong said its OpenShift Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) software can now be deployed on OpenStack clouds.

NuoDB Adds Geo-Distro to NewSQL Database

NewSQL startup NuoDB has released an update of its distributed relational database management system (DBMS).

Facebook Open Sources Presto Distributed SQL Query Engine for Big Data

Facebook has open sourced Presto, its distributed SQL query engine built to improve Big Data analytics beyond existing solutions such as Hadoop MapReduce and Hive.

Amazon Launches Free Analytics, A/B Testing for iOS and Android Devs

This week Amazon announced the release of Amazon Analytics Server as part of its free, beta Amazon Insights software development kit (SDK).

Agile Project Manager Adds Git and GitHub Integration

The new version of Telerik's TeamPulse agile project management software integrates with the open-source Git version control system and the GitHub repository.

Open Source Web App Framework Django Updated to Version 1.6

On Wednesday the Django Project announced the release of Django 1.6, the latest version of the free, open source, Python-based Web application framework.

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