Java & Eclipse

Using a Java benchmark to break bottlenecks

SPEC has released SPECjAppServer2001, a benchmark for measuring the performance of Java 2 Enterprise Edition application servers connected to databases.

Easing the task of Java server deployment

Sybase Inc. is touting its facilities for Java application server deployment.

The Right Java Tool for the Right Job

Our experts say developers can turn to Java servlets for smaller jobs, to Enterprise JavaBeans for complex projects and for some others, a mix of the two technologies.

Report writer adds Java support

Crystal Decisions Inc. this week reached out to the Java developer community with the unveiling of a new version of its reporting software.

Eclipse to fund university research

The Eclipse consortium moved this week to expand on earlier IBM efforts with the creation of the Eclipse Technology Project, an open-source project that supports research, education and engineering initiatives undertaken to integrate multiple computing technologies using the so-called Eclipse Platform.

Sybase introduces Borland JBuilder 7 Enterprise--Sybase Edition

Sybase Inc. has introduced Borland JBuilder 7 Enterprise--Sybase Edition, a Java development solution that provides integration of application development life-cycle elements.

Evans finds JVMs growing fast in embedded systems

Embedded systems developers appear to be implementing Java Virtual Machines in increasing numbers, according to a survey completed last month by Evans Data Corp.

Compuware: One Java, .NET size doesn't fit all

It is probably easier for Red Sox and Yankee fans to find common ground than it is for adherents to Java or .NET. keeps tabs on Java code

Collaborative tools and accurate UML models promote reuse for the high-profile online brokerage.

Early .NET returns: So far, so good

Users say the transition to .NET is mostly smooth so far, but Java appears safe for now.

Test and test again

Even though I know testing is work, and there might be a specific feature or two in other languages I would like to use, I still prefer developing and testing my applications in Java.

Servlets and EJBs: Friends or foes?

The spread of J2EE applications begs the question of whether Java servlets or Enterprise JavaBeans is the best foundation for e-business applications.

Tool said to ease J2EE, EJB development

Last week, the company started shipping version 3.0 of the flagship product, and with it a new component said to help users build and manage J2EE applications. -June 24

HP, BEA swing a deal at BEA eWorld

BEA and Hewlett-Packard will jointly sell integrated hardware, software and services solutions built around BEA’s Weblogic application server and running across all HP operating systems. -June 25

Free SunOne version due on Linux, AIX and other OSes

Sun Microsystems said it will make its application server available for free on HP-UX, Windows, AIX and Linux. -June 19

Free SunOne version due on Linux, AIX and other OSes

Sun Microsystems said it will make its application server available for free on HP-UX, Windows, AIX and Linux. -June 19

Java father Gosling on Web services

While Sun Microsystems works as hard as any vendor to enable next-generation Web services middleware architectures, company scientist James Gosling that Web services are not really new. -[WEEK OF JUNE 3, 2002]

Recent ADT articles on Java

Java continues to thrive in enterprise computing. Here lies a sampling of recent ADT excursions in spaces of the Java kind.

Borland JBuilder improves EJB development

Borland Software Corp introduced JBuilder 7 at Borland's BorCon 2002 developer conference in Anaheim, Calif. The product brings a number of useful enterprise development capabilities to the Java world. -May 20

AvantGo gets DHTML-savvy server

AvantGo this week released M-Business Server 5.0 Application Edition, which supports XML Web services, DOM and dynamic HTML. It enables use of VisualStudio .NET, and programming languages such as C# and Java. -May 15

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