
AvantGo gets DHTML-savvy server

[MAY 15, 2002] - Mobile enterprise software pioneer AvantGo Inc. this week released M-Business Server 5.0 Application Edition, which supports XML Web services, DOM and dynamic HTML.

The company continues to support JavaScript for fast application development. This puts it on a somewhat different track than some other wireless players.

Much of the work involved with wireless infrastructure building still relies on "peddle-to-the-metal" languages like C and C++. AvantGo claims this server release will improve developer productivity by enabling use of existing development tools such as VisualStudio .NET, and programming languages such as C# and Java.

The new release enables access to XML data sources and provides persistent storage using available on-device databases, to synchronize data to devices for easy access via JavaScript, said Gary Kanazawa, director, product management, AvantGo. Support of DHTML reduces the number and the time it takes to refresh device screens.

AvantGo, formed in 1997, was early to the wireless fray. Competitors include some top-rung players including sales force automation titan Seibel systems and database specialist Sybase.

About the Author

Jack Vaughan is former Editor-at-Large at Application Development Trends magazine.

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