
Borland JBuilder improves EJB development

MAY 20, 2002 - Borland Software Corp introduced JBuilder 7 at Borland's BorCon 2002 developer conference today in Anaheim, Calif. The product brings a number of useful enterprise development capabilities to the Java world.

The new version of JBuilder connects point tools -- including TeamSource collaborative development software and the OptimizeIt Suite for performance testing -- to better integrate JBuilder across the full application development lifecycle. This represents the first tight integration of OptimizeIt within the Borland suite since Borland's acquisition of OptimizeIt maker VMGear in January of this year.

"It's not about individual programmers any more," said Tony de la Lama, vice president and general manager, Borland Java Solutions, "it's about teams working together."

On the design end, JBuilder now includes new UML code visualization and refactoring capabilities. On the deployment side, the software now sports easier integrations with centralized Ant-based build processes.

Axel Kratel, senior product manager for Borland Java solutions said XML-based Ant integration takes away some of "the pain of doing builds" with Java apps.

Also marked in the release is an enhanced EJB 2.0 Designer. The tool's EJB designer now provides the ability to sketch entity beans without first creating a database schema. Improvements also take the form of bean-to-schema export, and support for bean inheritance.

About the Author

Jack Vaughan is former Editor-at-Large at Application Development Trends magazine.

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