Java & Eclipse

Sun, M7 join to boost new Java portlet spec

Java Portlet Specification allows choice of portal server suppliers.

Sun unveils radical re-think of software strategy

Company launches an oft-discussed radical revamp during its SunNetwork conference.

Palm pushes Java PDA effort

Mobile manufacturer seeks to expand developer base.

Oracle offers early 'hands-on' look at J2EE 1.4

Toolset for developers who want to build applications using the latest Java and Web services standards.

Q&A: Integration in the offing

Sonic Software CTO Gordon Van Huizen discussed the business of integration in a recent interview with ADT Editor-at-Large Jack Vaughan.

Q&A: SOAP gains traction

ADT’s Jack Vaughan spoke recently with Rebecca Dias, Microsoft product manager for advanced Web services, about the status of the technology in Redmond today and in the future.

Oracle tools strategy: 10G signals grid direction

Oracle’s application business draws attention right now, but its evolving tools tactics are crucial to legions of developers grappling with data, Java and XML.

Adding a build process

Dwight expounds on the use of Ant to automate the build process for Java applications.

XML Beans: Where Java meets data

According to Frank Martinez, chairman and chief technology officer at San Francisco-based Blue Titan Software Inc., XML Beans solve a very significant impedance mismatch problem that exists between the world of Java and the world of XML.

Is open-source Tomcat buggy? No more than 'commercialware'

Company disputes claim that app server is prone to problems.

IronGrid unveils IronTrack SQL

By displaying a Gantt-style chart of queries as they occur over time, users can develop an understanding of the exact behavior of an application.

Unisys moves mainframe into .NET, Java age

Also offers expanded Web services support for XML, SOAP, UDDI and other standard specifications.

Managing for Security

For many reasons, enterprise application security is an inefficient and expensive model. Obviously there''s no such thing as a completely secure application, but enterprises must target an acceptable level of risk.

Tutorial offers fast track to component integration

First look at a new developerWorks tutorial.

Programming by intuition

The job of the intuitive programmer says Dwight Duego, is to take software that on the surface doesn’t appear to do what it is supposed to do and make it work.

Developers or bust for Sun

At this year’s JavaOne, Sun began a renewed push to court developers with the unveiling of a low-end toolset that officials said eases the process of helping Visual Studio and .NET developers to start building Java-based apps.

Java IDEs further coverage of life cycle

Toolmakers large and small bring out tools that add life-cycle management for Java developers.

Microsoft gains in latest Java ruling

Sun cannot now force Microsoft to carry Sun's Java, while Microsoft is barred from offering its Java variant.

IBM, Oracle start work on Java API for XQuery

Companies trying to advance the W3C XQuery standard so that XML data calls can be invoked from Java applications.