
In brief: JProbe, Oasis Portlets, Together on .NET and more

* Quest JProbe to tune Oracle Application Server 10g.
Quest Software Inc. has announced that the Quest JProbe Java performance tuning toolkit will support Oracle Application Server 10g to take advantage of grid computing features for high availability and high utilization. The Quest JProbe integration module for Oracle Application Server 10g will be available when Oracle Application Server 10g has been released.

* Portlets get the Web services treatment.
OASIS standards consortium members have approved Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) Version 1.0 as an OASIS standard. It describes how content providers write Web services for portals, and how Web services are to be "consumed" in portal front ends. WSRP eliminates the need for content aggregators to choose between locally hosting a content source or writing code specific to each remote content source.

* Borland brings its Together to Visual Studio .NET.
Borland Software Corp. has launched Borland Together Edition for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET. The independent, integrated design, modeling and code environment is said to simultaneously connect enterprise architects and developers. The Together software has already proved popular among advocates of so-called agile modeling.
For more coverage of this release, click here.

* Visual Welder assembles .NET parts.
sembleWare, a business unit of Objecutive Inc., has announced the general availability of sembleWare Visual Welder, Version 2.0 for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET. The software acts as a rapid application assembly tool. Visual Welder enables developers to assemble .NET applications from .NET Parts, which can be downloaded directly into an application from an online Parts catalog or corporate Parts repository. With release 2.0, Visual Welder gains a unique 3-D environment in which .NET Parts can be assembled into ready-to-run applications.

About the Author

Scott Adams is a senior software engineer for TeamQuest.

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