Java & Eclipse

IBM Cultivates Smaller Businesses With New Solutions

Company rolls out product line to meet developer needs at the small-to-medium business level.

Improve Business Productivity With AJAX and SOA

Commercial toolkits have made it easier for developers to create AJAX apps, but it also helps to work in an RIA/SOA environment, says Tibco exec at AjaxWorld.

Microsoft Takes Step Toward Opening .NET 3.5 Framework

Announcement falls short of open source as developers cannot modify or distribute the source code.

Sun Changing Java Security Patch Procedure

Company revs up patch schedule for updating various Standard Edition versions.

Access Cloud Data With Astoria

A Microsoft rep shows how to create and consume data services for the Web, using a simple HTTP interface for AJAX-based Web sites and RIA apps.

Sun Makes Splash With GlassFish 2.0 Release

New Java application server features improvements for open source enterprise use.

AJAX Framework jMaki 1.0 Goes Live

New development environment helps create AJAX-enabled Web applications.

Eclipse Introduces First Integrated PHP Dev Tools

New PDT 1.0 plug-in for Eclipse features tight PHP and Java integration.

SOA Report: BEAWorld Brings New Initiatives

No stone was left unturned as BEA Systems announced new products and initiatives at its BEAworld event.

CollabNet Rolls Out Improved ALM Solution

New Enterprise Edition product makes it easier for companies to manage software development projects through the use of templates and improved collaboration tools.

Standards Gain Ground at OpenAjax Alliance

The industry coalition has rallied around its new OpenAjax Hub spec as key means to ensure interoperability for rich browser interactions, as well as to enable mashups.

Build Maintainable JavaScript

You aren't doing your job if another developer can't look at your source and figure out -- easily -- what you were doing.

Pervasive's Java Framework for Multicore

Pervasive, which has been developing database and data integration software for about 20 years, is set to release the Beta 2 version of the 100-percent Java DataRush framework sometime next month.

Pervasive's Java Framework for Multicore

The company is rolling out a solution to better handle Java's complexities in data-intensive applications using multiple processors.

Polarion Unveils ALM 3.0 Open Source App

Solution helps track software development projects and enables team collaboration.

Site Quantifies Efforts of OSS Java Developers

A Web portal aims to do a better job crediting Java coders who have contributed to open source software projects.

Agitar Unveils Improved Java Test App

The solution helps Java programmers handle legacy code without breaking applications.

WSO2 Web Services Dev Tools Announced

The company's open source solutions help developers generate applications for Web services, based on C or PHP code.