
Trolltech Integrates Qt Framework with Eclipse

Oslo-based Trolltech recently announced that its "flagship" C++-based Qt Framework -- including the new Qt Jambi framework for Java developers that had its debut in June -- is now compatible with the Eclipse IDE.

Qt is a cross-platform framework for adding graphical user interfaces in rich client Web applications. Developers can create or integrate widgets into browser-based applications using the Qt Framework.

The Qt Framework provides developers with a number of productivity enhancement tools, including project editors, building and debugging tools, and task wizards.

The integration with Eclipse will help developers who collaborate across C++ and Java environments.

"Most large development teams work with multiple programming languages, and the Qt-Eclipse integration will give them the freedom to collaborate and seamlessly integrate C++ and Java code and skills," Trolltech Product Director Naren Karattup said in a prepared statement.

The product integrates with Eclipse via the C++ Development Tooling platform in Eclipse. Trolltech's Eclipse integration plug-in is available from the company free of charge.

Trolltech offers its Qt Framework products in both commercial and open versions. For those willing to share code, the open source products are currently offered under the GNU General Public License version 2.

For more information on Trolltech and its products, go here.

About the Author

Becky Nagel is a contributor to Application Development Trends. She is the editor of ADT's sister sites, and, and is co-editor of You can contact her at [email protected].

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