
Cloud9 Beats JSFiddle for Most Popular Cloud Development IDE

The PYPL Index, known for charting the popularity of programming languages, is also measuring cloud IDE popularity, finding Cloud9 edged out JSFiddle for the top spot, though challengers are experiencing greater rates of increased interest.

The JSFiddle online JavaScript playground, long a go-to choice for Web developers, saw its popularity peak about four years ago (the index relies on Google searches to gauge popularity), while the older Cloud9 fell below JSFiddle before a long climb that saw it reattain the top spot in 2015 and maintain it in the latest August ranking.

In the new report, Cloud9 garnered 35.77 percent share, a -0.4 decrease from last year. JSFiddle followed (31.42 percent share), -2.1 share decrease). After that there was a big drop-off in share to No. 3 Koding (9.05 percent share, +0.2 percent increase), Ideone (5.93 percent share, -1.3 percent decrease) and Codio (5.92 percent share, +0.8 percent increase).

The leaders are being chased by Codeanywhere, which increased its share by a whopping +2.3 percent, at No. 6., along with a few others showing positive growth.

"The more an Online IDE is searched, the more popular the Online IDE is assumed to be," the index post said. "The raw data comes from Google Trends.

"If you believe in collective wisdom, the TOP ODE index can help you decide which Online IDE to use for your software development project."

The PYPL Index also tracks regular IDEs. You can see coverage of that report in our sister publication, Visual Studio Magazine, here.

August PYPL Online IDE Report
[Click on image for larger view.] August PYPL Online IDE Report (source: PPYL Index)
PYPL Online IDEs Over Time
[Click on image for larger view.] PYPL Online IDEs over Time (source: PPYL Index)

About the Author

David Ramel is an editor and writer at Converge 360.

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