
Rapid Deployment Package for Agile Java Dev Teams Launched

Agitar Technologies this week released an app deployment package for Java teams that aims to support java jocks who want to adopt Agile practices.

The AgitarOne Rapid Deployment package is billed as a premium testing solution, and includes the AgitarOne JUnit Generator and the AgitarOne Agitator, with built-in support for the Hudson continuous integration (CI) server. It also provides for new hardware installation (if needed), the generation of initial unit tests, on-site training, and server configuration to run tests and generate AgitarOne Management Dashboards.

Better testing, the company says, means fewer bugs, faster releases and a quicker path to true agility. "Our new AgitarOne Rapid Deployment Package puts the Agile development methodology within our clients' grasp in weeks, not months," commented Dale Brenneman, the company's vice president of technology, in a statement. "The switch from the old waterfall process used to be a tremendous undertaking, but is now [it's] something that we can walk your team through quite easily without sacrificing quality along the way."

The Cranston, R.I.-based testing tools company employs JUnit generation, software agitation techniques, and Java functional testing coverage to monitor the effectiveness of applications. Specifically, the JUnit Generator employs the open source JUnit Java testing framework, which allows users to write repeatable tests; the Agitator automatically produces test scripts for use in dynamic analysis

Agitar has also announced the release of AgitarOne 6.0 with enhanced support for Java 7. With this release, the company said in a statement, Agitar has "untethered the client by enabling the Ant task to run tests on the server instead of on the individual user's machine." This uncoupling allows the user's machine to remain free to perform other activities, either with AgitarOne or other tasks (e.g., email, creating other tests, etc.), the company said.

About the Author

John K. Waters is the editor in chief of a number of sites, with a focus on high-end development, AI and future tech. He's been writing about cutting-edge technologies and culture of Silicon Valley for more than two decades, and he's written more than a dozen books. He also co-scripted the documentary film Silicon Valley: A 100 Year Renaissance, which aired on PBS.  He can be reached at [email protected].

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