
SOA Blog Watch: Declaring War on JaBoWS, Tough Finding a Successful SOA?, More

Last week: Microsoft's Nick Malik, Burton Group Analyst Anne Thomas Manes, SOA Blog's Eric Roch and others.

  • In his post, "JaBoWs Is the Enemy of SOA," Nick Malik calls on enterprise architects as a community to nothing less than "declare war" on tool-focused SOA. "We have to do a better job of defining what it means to build an Enterprise SOA..." he wrote in part. "Join me in decrying the creation of piles of useless and valueless noise....Join me by sharing what is wrong with building too many things, none of which are actually usable outside their original context. Join me, by discussing the processes by which developers build the right systems, not just the tools that we need to buy and the interface standard we need to adapt.
  • Burton Group analyst Anne Thomas Manes wants successful SOA stories -- although she seems pretty pessimistic about the chances. "It has become clear to me that SOA is not working in most organizations," she wrote. "Thus far I have interviewed only one company [out of seven] that I would classify as a SOA success story."
  • If SOA isn't working, blogger and Perficient Chief Technologist Eric Roch thinks he knows why: "The distressing fact is business strategy experts (the people CEOs and CIOs listen to), are very skeptical if not negative on SOA. So while we architects are arguing about protocols, business experts are telling our CEOs that the technology is not going to solve any of their problems!"
  • Finally last week, SearchSOA journalist and blogger Rich Seeley questions why SOA vendors "seem to be falling all over each other to make their new products Web 2.0 buzzword compliant" -- and even gets some vendors to answer.

About the Author

Becky Nagel is a contributor to Application Development Trends. She is the editor of ADT's sister sites, and, and is co-editor of You can contact her at [email protected].

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