Irrational Technology Selections

This article from “Mr. Ed” at HackNot is an excellent dissection of the ways in which project leaders tend to cover their tracks following (and leading up to) poor technology decisions:

“As a self-appointed evangelist for your chosen technology, your worst enemy is the voice of reason. The technology's inability to fulfill the promises its vendor makes should be no obstacle to its adoption in your organization - and indeed, it won't be, so long as you can keep those who make the decisions away from those who know about the technology's failings.”

It’s a peachy article – in fact, pretty much all of Mr Ed’s articles are the cat's pajamas. Whether or not you agree with him, he’s at least consistently thought-provoking. Well worth checking out.

About the Author

Matt Stephens is a senior architect, programmer and project leader based in Central London. He co-wrote Agile Development with ICONIX Process, Extreme Programming Refactored, and Use Case Driven Object Modeling with UML - Theory and Practice.