The Tools Market is Changing, but Demand for Support Isn’t
- By John K. Waters
- September 1, 2005
 As extreme as the makeover promises to be, the new face of the Java tools market
is unlikely to be unrecognizable (not for a while, anyway). Eclipse still has
what Gartner analyst Mark Driver calls a “strong self-service flavor”;
few companies are offering support-and-service packages.
Two exceptions, MyEclipse and Yoxos, are putting together what amount to Eclipse
distributions, with certified tool bundles and product support. “What
these companies are doing is reminiscent of the early days of Linux,”
Driver says. (Think Red Hat for Eclipse.) Driver also sees an opportunity for
mainstream toolmakers such as Borland Software to provide the kind of service
and support customers are going to want for their Eclipse-based tools. |
But for a number of reasons, many companies are still going to want to buy
their tools the old-fashioned way, from traditional commercial vendors. Depending
on the middleware on which they’ve standardized, there might not be much
buying involved. Oracle is giving away its JDeveloper IDE to everybody, and
other middleware vendors include their IDEs as part of the product bundle.
Michael Gallagher, manager of architecture and strategy for ABN Amro North
America, likes many things about the Eclipse model, but says he doesn’t
expect his company ever to abandon the “standard form of commercial relationship.”
“I like the idea of creating an open environment where everyone with
a strong enough opinion can contribute their time and creativity to build better
tools,” Gallagher says. “I don’t like the idea of paying someone
to sit down and pull together all the individual plug-ins we need for a standard
development tool. I want someone else to pull together their version of the
best tools, package them up nicely so that they’ll run in my environment,
then deliver them to me.”
ABN Amro is an international bank with European roots and a focus on consumer
and commercial banking supported by an international wholesale business. The
company performs retail banking services, mainly in its home country (The Netherlands),
but also in Brazil (through Banco ABN Amro Real) and the U.S., where it owns
Chicago-based LaSalle Bank and Michigan’s Standard Federal Bank. Other
lines of business include private banking, asset management and investment banking.
Founded in 1824, ABN Amro and its subsidiaries operate more than 3,800 offices
in some 60 countries.
“People in my position aren’t really interested in open source
because it’s the lowest cost software,” Gallagher says, “but
because support for it is much wider spread, and there is greater innovation
potential. And that’s what we’re seeing in Eclipse, especially the
way the commercial community has evolved around it.”
ABM Amro is an IBM WebSphere shop, so the Eclipse-based WebSphere Studio IDE
is a natural fit in its J2EE development toolbox, Gallagher says. “IBM
wants to sell me WebSphere products,” he says. “They don’t
want to sell me an IDE. But they want me to use the IDE so that I’ll use
WebSphere more. And I need an IDE so that I can get my job done. IBM hasn’t
built all the code in the traditional sense, but they are able to bring to me
best of breed.”
For Web development, ABN Amro is using the Eclipse-based Exadel Studio tools
from open-source development technologies provider, Exadel. Exadel sells tools
that use the Eclipse platform to leverage Struts, JavaServer Faces, Hibernate,
Spring and other open-source technologies for business solutions.
“What I like about companies like Exadel is that they acknowledge the
way my company works,” Gallagher says. “I don’t spend a lot
of time out on SourceForge pulling things down and figuring out how best to
add them into our online banking. We’re structured to start by talking
to our bankers to figure out what their needs are, to then look in our tools
suites and figure what we’ve already got to solve their problems, and
finally to talk to vendors about what new offerings they have.”
ABN Amro used Exadel’s tools to develop its Web site and
to connect the site to its back office. The company has also used the tools
on a number of internal applications, Gallagher says.
“As an architectural trend, we very much like to use Web technology internally,”
he explains. “That’s not uncommon; you go to do your expenses, and
you’re pulling up a browser nowadays. Five years ago, you were loading
a fat client. Banking is very much about data and information management, so
internally we have many of the same issues you have with an online business.
The same technologies that work in that environment work very well in the back
office, with minor exceptions.”
Gallagher, who works in the bank’s enterprise architecture group, says
he’s surprised to hear claims that Eclipse is coming into the enterprise
through the back door. “I’ve read those stories about Eclipse entering
through the back door, and I always wondered in which reality that was happening,”
he says. “Linux had to go through a bit of that, but that wasn’t
because it was open source. That was the beginning of understanding that everything
didn’t have to come with a salesperson. It was the beginning of the industry
learning that people will actually donate their time and creativity, and how
to build a business around that that will integrate with existing business dynamics.”
Forrester analyst Carl Zetie says that, although many developers believe Eclipse
is secret, grassroots technology they have to keep it hidden from their managers,
it’s really not. “Don’t be surprised when you find out that
a lot of your managers do actually know that you’re using Eclipse,”
Zetie says. “Even though it’s contrary to their policies, they’re
turning a blind eye, because the work is getting done. And why mess with something
that works?”
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About the Author
John K. Waters is a freelance writer based in Silicon Valley. He can be reached
at [email protected].