
New Blogs from ADT

Application Development Trends is launching three new blogs this month! Two of the three blogs--AppSide and Enterprise Insider--will be written by Java programming experts.


AppSide, written by Matt Stephens, is a blog for professional software developers. Stephens often writes about systems architecture, agile software development processes and Java programming, but he's not shy about weighing in on a wide variety of other topics of interest to working developers. In his day job, Matt is a senior architect, programmer and project leader based in Central London. He's also the co-author of Agile Development with ICONIX Process (Apress, 2005) and Extreme Programming Refactored: The Case Against XP (Apress, 2003). When he isn't blogging for ADT, he can be found at:

Enterprise Insider

Enterprise Insider is written by Jason Halla, a longtime IT insider, who looks at new products, industry events and anything else that has an impact on the way IT pros take care of business. Halla is an enterprise J2EE architect with a Fortune 500 company in Indianapolis, and moderator of Devshed's popular Java, PHP and XML forums. He can be reached at [email protected].


We're also launching ADTitude, a blog that features subjective commentary, unsupported opinion and questionable advice by Michael Alexander, ADT’s editor-in-chief, who everyone knows can seldom be taken seriously. Alexander has been following the IT industry for more than 20 years, and if there’s one thing he’s learned it’s that new developments in this business are really more of the same old stuff, only they’re more complicated. You can reach him at [email protected].