Web Extra Feb 2004

The State of Tools
Do tools matter? In recent years, tools have taken something of a back seat to languages, platforms and technology. We thought it seemed like high time to ask a roundtable of experts if tools continue to matter.

Portal Briefing Book
Server pages, both Active- and Java-type, using what many in the industry still call a portal, serve up the coolest view of integrated data. We recently took a peek inside the minds of a couple of portal partisans, from different points on a vast spectrum.

QA: Anne Thomas Manes
Middleware expert Anne Thomas Manes has graced these pages before, most recently with an excerpt from her book A Web services guide. We caught up with her just before she held a webinar on the dynamic state of Web services platforms.

Linux Briefing Book
The fast-rising operating system continues to attract vendor interest. Tools to improve management capabilities are coming on line.

Web Extra: The Book Section
Books are a central part of learning about application development today. In our pages we try to regularly present reviews of books of note, excerpts from key titles (with links), and in-depth interviews with important authors. These are collected here for your perusal.

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