
Seapine eases road to development process

Seapine Software has started shipping a new version of its TestTrack Pro offering that is said to ease the effort required to bring process to software development projects.

Version 6.0 adds customizable workflows, multiple user assignments and enhanced e-mail notifications to the previous version, Seapine officials said. In addition, the unveiling coincides with an updated custom field-support program and a new licensing model.

Seapine President Richard Riccetti contended that Version 6.0's user-definable workflows can provide absolute control over process management, while maintaining the earlier version's ease-of-use features. Developers can use the customizable workflows to define states, events and state transition rules, and thus model workflows after proprietary issue management processes.

The new licensing model no longer forces buyers to select either Web- or Windows-based client tools prior to purchasing the software. Under the new model, a single license allows access to both types of clients.

Other new features in TestTrack Pro 6.0 include the ability to share user accounts across multiple TestTrack Pro databases, the ability to share user accounts with Seapine's Surround SCM source-control tool, enhanced security with 512-bit encrypted client/server communication and additional password security options.