
OMG to meet in Paris on UML 2.0

Members of the Object Management Group (OMG) will meet in Paris from June 2 through 6 at a meeting sponsored by Compuware Corp., Thales and Sun Microsystems. At the meeting, OMG's Analysis and Design Platform Task Force will vote to recommend an upgrade of the MetaObject Facility (MOF) core and XMI mapping specs to Version 2.0, and will evaluate draft specs for a MOF 2.0 Facility and Object Lifecycle service. The task force will also recommend adoption of the UML 2.0 Superstructure specification, completing the upgrade of the modeling language to Version 2.0. Augmenting the Model Driven Architecture (MDA), members will evaluate a proposed UML profile for the CORBA Component Model.

A group of OMG members will also start work on a new standard for model-based legacy transformation based on UML and MDA. Transformation of legacy systems preserves their functionality when the technology they were built on becomes obsolete. Following a day of presentations and discussion, members will draft requirements document for the new standard.

The OMG's Middleware and Related Services Platform Task Force and other task forces specializing in Telecommunications, Real-time, Embedded and Specialized Systems are scheduled to vote on a number of new standards. Two of these map the J-Consortium and JCP Real-time Java specifications to Real-time CORBA; additional Real-time standards define an extensible network transport framework and a lightweight component model. A mapping of the CORBA GIOP protocol to SCTP will serve the telecommunications industry, while an update of the SECP protocol to Version 1.1 will enhance CORBA security. A mapping of WSDL/SOAP to CORBA will complement the interoperability provided by the CORBA to WSDL/SOAP mapping, and a final new standard will specify deployment and configuration of CORBA components.

In addition, the Business Enterprise Integration Domain Task Force (DTF) will complete work on a specification for software portfolio management and initiate an effort standardizing business semantics of business rules.

OMG staff and members will present a number of tutorials during the meeting week, covering OMG's MDA and other specifications. For details, please go to

The meeting schedule, links to agendas and registration for members appear at