Power JavaDistributed Object Graph Traversal, Preparation, and Transport
- By Jeremy Chan
- June 13, 2000
ALL DISTRIBUTED APPLICATIONS require some protocol for the transport of data between communicating processes. The nature of the application determines the extent to which the efficiency of the protocol is favored over its ease of use. Typically, the data in which the client software is interested resides on the server in the form of business objects. Protocols that allow the developer to interact with these high-level objects, rather than the underlying attributes/relationships of which they are comprised, are generally favored.
Communication with a remote object can be achieved using the following two general techniques:
- By interacting with a local proxy to the object.
- By transporting a representation of the object to the client and interacting with it locally.
In practice, the application designer usually uses some combination of these two techniques. To minimize the number of client/server interactions, structurally rich data can be transported to the client. Having complex local data structures on the client allows greater responsiveness and richness on the client side, at the expense of added data transport overhead per client/server interaction. Distributed data consistency issues also become more problematic in the case where updates to the local (client) structures need to be reflected at the server, or where client-side objects become stale due to updates at the server. Nonetheless, the requirements of the application may dictate that (relatively) rich data structures reside locally on the client. This introduces a number of additional issues. The developer must decide on:
- A transportable representation for server objects.
- A transport protocol for this representation.
- An expressive way of specifying exactly which objects are retrieved/updated on the server, as well as the semantics behind these operations; the more complex the transported data structures, the more important this issue becomes. In other words, given a sufficiently complex graph (or tree) of logically related objects, developers need general facilities to:
- Iterate over objects in the graph.
- Specify precise subsets of the graph on which various life cycle (create/update/persist/delete) operations will be applied.
- Specify the precise semantics of these operations.
Together, these issues comprise the general problem of "object graph traversal," which is encountered in many applications.
At first glance, the business objects themselves seem to be an ideal transportable representation. Not only do they encapsulate the structure of the object model, they also 5provide appropriate interfaces to this encapsulated data. However, this technique is problematic for two reasons.
Architecturally speaking, the technique violates the modern multitier architecture, where business logic resides on the server and the client(s) implements a thin presentation layer for this logic. Architectures with one or more thin clients accessing services that reside on the application server are more scalable and reusable. Direct transport of business objects to the client engenders the additional requirement that the objects are dynamically linkable on both client and server.
Second, programmatic constraints may prevent the transport of business objects to the client. For example, business objects are often either statically or dynamically linked to a persistence framework. Clearly it would be ill-advised to send all of the framework's classes to the client along with the business objects to which they're linked. Security constraints may also exist, which dictate that proprietary business logic not be available outside of the corporate firewall.
A Solution
For these reasons, an opportunity exists for the creation of a subsystem that maps business objects to distinct transportable representations and back again, without the need for programmer intervention. It quickly becomes apparent that the usefulness of such a technology is significantly enhanced by a declarative syntax for expressing precisely which objects are mapped and how these mappings take place.
The Java package com.mtnlake.pl.attributeFactory is an implementation of such a subsystem. The single public interface to this package is the class com.mtnlake.pl.attributeFactory.AttributeFactory. The name "AttributeFactory" is derived from the fact that an AttributeFactory instance implements something similar to the Abstract Factory pattern, which is applicable when the creator of an object or group of objects cannot anticipate the class of objects that it will create.1 We define the term "Attribute Object" as the in-memory transportable representation of a business object (and any specified related objects). Given a server-side business object and a specification of which related objects to create, The AttributeFactory creates a corresponding graph of Attribute Objects whose types are determined at runtime. It also performs the reverse mapping so that any changes to the objects can be persisted.
The default AttributeFactory implementation uses serializable Java objects as the transportable representation. Thus, any transport protocol supporting reliable binary data streams (e.g., TCP) is supported by this implementation. A Java client and server are assumed in the default implementation. Since the transportable representation and the transport protocol normally go hand in hand, a separate implementation (or subclass) of AttributeFactory must be created for each supported transport protocol/data representation (not a difficult task). For example, CORBA could be used for transport and a subclass of AttributeFactory could provide the necessary mapping protocol between business objects and CORBA structs. The emergence of XML as a standard for platform-independent data exchange makes it another candidate for the transportable representation.
Let's assume the existence of a persistence framework to which the business objects are linked. The framework is responsible for the business object life cycle, including creation, update, deletion, and storage. It is also responsible for the assignment of unique keys or object identifiers (OIDs) to business objects as they are created.
System Overview
Placement. Figure 1 shows the location of the AttributeFactory subsystem in a distributed application. Note that the factory performs data conversions in both directions (transportable representation <—> business object).

Figure 1. Placement of the AttributeFactory subsystem within a typical client/server application.
The AttributeFactory uses the Java Reflection API to both discover object properties and to perform the conversion between Attribute Objects and business objects. This part of the implementation is easily replaceable, such that other discovery mechanisms (e.g., Introspection using BeanInfo classes or some other manual method) can be substituted. In the default implementation, an Attribute Object contains a public field for each business object attribute and for each related object reference. We assume the existence of accessor methods on business objects for each of their attributes and related objects. The class definitions for all of these objects are generated from a common schema specification.
Sample Mapping. Consider a one-to-many relationship between the business objects Customer and User (see Figure 2). A Customer stores one private attribute ("name") in memory and can retrieve its related list of Users (presumably through some interface to the data store) when the accessor getUsers() is called. A User stores two private attributes (firstName and lastName) and can retrieve its related Customer object through getCustomer(). The corresponding CustomerAttributes object contains two public attributes: a name attribute (corresponding to the Customer name), and a users attribute (corresponding to the Customer's related list of users). During a read operation, the factory first discovers which properties are attributes and which are relationships (using reflection) and then fills in the appropriate fields in the AttributeObject using information retrieved from the business object. The reverse process occurs during a write. Write operations presumably affect the data store.

Figure 2. Sample mapping between business objects and Attribute Objects.
The question now is, "How does the programmer specify which attributes and relationships he/she is interested in?" We define the term "filter string" to represent such a specification. Filter strings can theoretically be provided for both attributes and relationships, but in most situations we find that the attributes of an object are generally updated all at once when an object is being persisted—and usually into a single row in a relational table. In many cases, there is no significant performance gain in updating a single attribute in a table vs. the entire row of attributes. In addition, requiring a filter string specification for each attribute of each object would be an onerous task for the developer. Thus, the filter strings used in this system only specify the role names of relationships; all object attributes encountered in the traversal of the relationship graph are translated.
Consider a situation where the developer wishes to retrieve the Customer object along with that customer's list of users, modify the data at the client, and then persist it. The syntax used is as follows:
Customer customer = ;
CustomerAttributes customerAttr = factory.select(customer, "users");
factory.update(customerAttr, "users");
The string "
users", is the filter string. It is taken from the "
users" role name of the customer/user relationship.
Suppose each user was related to a list of read/write permission objects, each of which was related to a portfolio object. The code to retrieve, modify, and update all of these objects together would look exactly the same as in this syntax, except that the filter string would be "users.permissions.portfolio" instead of simply "users". (See "Filter Strings" for a more detailed discussion.)
Architectural Impact. It should be noted that the chosen discovery/mapping mechanism (in our case, reflection) should not in any way impact the business object model, aside from imposing naming conventions on any property accessors the developer wishes to expose (by prepending "get" or "set" prefixes as per the JavaBeans specification). This is not problematic: If the developer does not want to expose a public accessor for a business object attribute at the server, then he/she would almost certainly not want the same attribute exposed within the Attribute Object at the client, obviating the need for its discovery using reflection.*
Our approach does engender some subtle changes in the way object properties are accessed at the client. In this implementation, Attribute Object properties are public fields that are accessed directly to retrieve/update information in memory. The rationale behind this approach stems from three implementation-dependent criteria:
- Attribute Objects only expose publicly accessible business object data and thus require no access-level protection.
- In our application, access to Attribute Object properties is not multithreaded and thus does not require the monitor lock protection that might be provided with accessor methods.
- Attribute Objects do not expose business logic, except by providing a key (the OID field) from which the associated server-side business object can be instantiated and invoked. This supports an n-tier architecture where business logic resides only at the server. However, instead of invoking this logic using a remote protocol such as RMI, it is invoked by marshalling a generic request containing both the Attribute Object instance and the operation name, and then sending this request to the server for processing.
Since all three of these criteria were satisfied in our application, there was no real reason to define both public accessors and private members in
Attribute Objects. However, the implementation does not depend on the fact that the properties are public. The developer can make them private and include accessor methods if he/she so desires. These accessors might also be provided simply to mimic the way that data is accessed from the business object on the server.
Filter Strings
Requirements. For the rest of the examples in this article, consider the object model sample in Figure 3, containing objects you might find in a database of portfolios and financial instruments.

Figure 3. Sample financial object model.
The requirements for filter strings quickly become more elaborate than might have been indicated previously. For example, from the Portfolio node, how would the developer specify both the positions and currency relationships in the same filter string? Furthermore, how do we conditionally traverse the counterparty relationship from the Position node without knowledge of the runtime class of the retrieved positions (e.g., "positions.counterparty" would be invalid for all retrieved Instrument-Positions)? Finally, what are the exact semantics with respect to write operations? If we invoke
factory.update(customerAttr, "users.permissions.portfolio");
should the existing
portfolios in the database be updated or replaced, or should any newly provided ones simply be added? If replaced, should the old ones be deleted? To complicate matters further, the desired semantics are usually different for each node in the filter string (e.g., the developer may wish to create new
users and
permissions but reference existing related
portfolios!). The developer needs more tools to specify these semantics.
For these reasons, the filter strings used by the AttributeFactory have evolved into a kind of shorthand declarative object query language with a simple associated grammar. As a convenience, the developer is also given the ability to embed arbitrary query predicates within the filter string. These (optional) predicate portions of the filter are applied to the class of objects identified by the role name within the filter.
EBNF specification.
EBNF symbols:
{ } zero or more occurrences
[ ] optional (zero or one) occurrence
( ) grouping (precedence)
The following grammar specifies syntactically valid relationship filters:
'.' node separator (indicates node traversal branch)
'{' begin subclass grouping
'}' end subclass grouping
'|' subclass specification separator
'(' begin multiple traversal grouping
')' end multiple traversal grouping
'&' multiple traversal node separator
'!' indicates "delete related object(s)"
'%' indicates "replacement"-unlink whatever objects are present in the DB
during "write" and replace with supplied objects. NOTE, if "!" is used
in conjunction with '%', the supplied objects must NOT contain any of
the related objects being unlinked/deleted.
'~' force "create new"-good for "copy" operations.
IDENTIFIER identifier token-any valid Java Identifier
PREDICATE sql predicate token
EOF End of file token
FilterString ::= topNodeRelationships
topNodeRelationships ::=
[ ( subclassSpecifics {'&' identRelationships} ) |
( identRelationships {'&' identRelationships} ) ] EOF
nodeRelationships ::=
[ subclassSpecifics ] [ '.' immediateRelationships ]
subclassSpecifics ::=
'{' subclassRelationships {'|' subclassRelationships}
subclassRelationships ::= className nodeRelationships;
immediateRelationships ::=
identRelationships |
'(' identRelationships {'&' identRelationships} ')'
identRelationships ::=
['!'] ['%'] ['~'] roleName [PREDICATE]
className ::= IDENTIFIER
roleName ::= IDENTIFIER
Sample filter strings. The language produced by this grammar gives the developer a rich declarative syntax for specifying object traversal semantics during database read/write operations.
To specify the traversal of multiple relationships per node, the (, ), and & symbols are used. In the next example, the developer specifies the traversal of both the position and currency relationships of the portfolio class:
"portfolio.(positions & currency)"
To specify the conditional traversal of relationships based on runtime type, the subclass grouping separators (
}, and
|) are used. In the following example, the
counterparty role is traversed for all
OverTheCounter (OTC) positions and the instrument role is traversed for all
OTCPosition.counterparty |
Arbitrary predicate strings can be used to further constrain the set of retrieved/updated objects, in the same way they would be constrained within the
WHERE clause of an SQL statement. The predicate is delimited by the
[ and
] characters and can be placed at any identifier node within the filter. The
AttributeFactory does not itself process this part of the string: A separate query engine is invoked instead (in the default implementation, this is the job of the persistence framework). As such, any language (such as SQL, used in the default implementation) can be used to specify the predicate. Here, the filter predicate specifies that only those positions whose
amount attribute is greater than 35.7 should be retrieved:
"portfolio.positions[amount > 35.7]"
%, and
~ operators allow the developer to precisely dictate the semantics of update operations. The strength of this approach is its flexibility: operators can be
independently applied at each node in which they occur. Operators are placed immediately before the relationship identifier in a relationship filter string. The semantics of update operations additionally depend on two related variables. These are:
- The multiplicity of the relationship. Traversal toward the one side of a relationship causes the operation to be applied to the related object. Traversal toward the many side of a relationship applies the operation to each of the related objects.
- The presence or absence of a database OID within the Attribute Object. The OID is a unique key that identifies each object in the persistent store. An Attribute Object in memory may or may not have a valid OID. During any update operation, objects with null OIDs are created in the database. Objects with valid OIDs are updated in the database.† The sole exception to this rule is when the ! operator occurs by itself. A discussion of these three operators can be found in the following subsections:
Table 1. Summary of AttributeFactory filter string operator semantics. |
select() |
For each business object, create the corresponding Attribute Object in memory. |
update() |
For each Attribute Object, create the corresponding business object (causes persistent store to be updated). If the OID is valid, update the existing object in the database. If the OID is null, create a new object in the database. |
! |
update() |
For each supplied Attribute Object with a valid OID, delete the object in the database. |
% |
update() |
Unlink all related objects in the database. If ! is present, also delete these objects. Replace the unlinked/deleted objects with the supplied objects. Supplying an empty vector simply unlinks the current related set of objects. |
~ |
update() |
For each Attribute Object, force the creation of a new business object (causes persistent store to be updated). |
Table 1 summarizes the semantics of filter string operators, described here:
No operator. When an operator is not present during an update operation, supplied objects with null OIDs are created (and linked) in the database. When they have valid OIDs, the database objects are updated with data from the position. This way, a developer can both edit existing positions and create new ones with a single operation. For example, to create/update positions in a portfolio, the developer supplies the appropriate PortfolioAttributes object, whose positions member references the Vector of PositionAttributes objects to be created/updated. He/she then invokes
factory.update(portfolioAttr, "positions");.
Deletion (!) operator. When used by itself during an update operation, the presence of the deletion operator indicates that all of the supplied objects should be deleted. If any of the supplied objects have
null OIDs, an
InvalidRequestException is thrown.
For example, to delete some of the positions in a portfolio, the developer supplies a PortfolioAttributes object that references a Vector of PositionAttributes objects to be deleted, invoking factory.update(portfolioAttr, "!positions"); to delete the positions.
Replacement (%) operator. When used by itself during an update operation, the presence of the replacement operator indicates that the supplied objects should replace the currently related objects in the database. The semantics are the same as if no operator was used, except that any objects in the database that aren't represented in the supplied vector of Attribute Objects are unlinked (but not deleted) in the database:
factory.update(portfolioAttr, "%positions");
If the deletion operator is used in conjunction with the replacement operator, all
replaced (unlinked) objects are also deleted from the database. When the replaced objects are no longer required, this form is used:
factory.update(portfolioAttr, "!%positions");
The supplied objects may have
null OIDs (in many situations they will, since during replacement old objects are often replaced with new objects).
create new (~) operator. This operator allows the developer to force the factory to create a new object on update operations. It does this by simply nullifying the object id before the write occurs (remember that when no operator is used, a null OID causes the factory to create a new object in the database). This is useful in duplication operations, during which some objects are created anew and some are simply referenced.
Suppose that the user wishes to duplicate a portfolio and its contained positions and discountCurves, but wishes the new positions to share references to existing counterparties and instruments with the old positions. The user would supply the appropriate Attribute Object graph rooted at the portfolio node, along with the filter string as follows:
String portfolioDupFilter =
}.counterparty |
factory.update(portfolioAttr, portfolioDupFilter);
The tildes indicate that
positions and
discountCurves should be created anew, whereas all other objects in the database should simply be referenced.
AttributeFactory is not meant to be used instead of middleware that enables the use of local object proxies (e.g., CORBA, RMI, DCOM). It is useful when data needs to be transported by value between client and server. To the extent that the object bus supports pass-by-value semantics, AttributeFactory can be added as a complementary technology.
The query language specified by the filter-string grammar presented affords the developer a convenient syntax for expressing both object graph traversal and persistent object update semantics. As an analogy, strings in the language are akin to flexible object graph "cookie cutters," which not only determine the shape of the cookie, but also imprint suggestions on how the cookie should be eaten. AttributeFactory employs this cookie cutter in customizing database access and in preparing objects for transport by value. That is, the language is used in the preparation and persistence of "pruned" object graphs.
The language is potentially useful in more general contexts than might be indicated by this alone. Indeed, any instance of the class of operations that result from the ability to express object graph traversal is a potential new use for the language. Such new behaviors would result from the replacement of the "client" of the parse tree traversal (in this discussion, AttributeFactory is the default client of the traversal). Some novel behaviors might be:
- Writing select parts of the object graph out to a file/stream.
- Limiting public access to specific (e.g., public) parts of the graph.
- Distinguishing/specifying the unique "treatment" of objects in the graph on a node by node basis; new "operators" could be added to the language to support novel treatments.
AttributeFactory facilitates common operations that are important in the development of many distributed applications, particularly those that require the transport of rich data structures between client and server.
- Gamma, E. et al., Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, Addison–Wesley, 1995.
* There are mechanisms within Java 2 for a program using reflection to circumvent access-level verification by the VM. This involves signing a jar file containing the server code, and associating a policy file that grants "reflectPermission>>suppressAccessChecks". This is what a beanbox application might do (in the absence of an associated BeanInfo class) to tool a bean containing private attributes.
† The assignment of object identifiers to new objects is the responsibility of the persistence framework, not the AttributeFactory.
‡ It was initially developed for a secure, multitier Java financial risk management/assessment application called Risk Direct, and plays a central role in the application server of this system. Risk Direct is owned and operated by Standard and Poor's and Algorithmics.
About the Author
Jeremy Chan is a technical architect at Immersant Inc. in Toronto. He can be contacted at [email protected].