June From the Pages Features

Sun's J2EE: The Standard for Developing Multitier Enterprise Applications
John K. Waters
Sun Microsystems has staked out some serious territory in the enterprise. J2EE is a standard architecture definition using the Java language. It is a framework that defines a standard for developing multitier enterprise applications. Java Report takes a pros-and-cons look at three of J2EE's key technologies: JDBC, the JMS specification, and JSPs. Java Report also examines J2EE's support for the Object Management Group's CORBA as an alternative to RMI systems.

JDBC: A Growing Legacy?
Todd C. Zino
The big question many developers and planners are asking is how will the JDBC fit into the grand scheme? How will it fit into an enterprise world that is still highly entrenched in previous versions of the proprietary products?

JMS: A New Enterprise?
Todd C. Zino
JMS gives current MOM vendors a common specification that fits quite well into the J2EE picture, and gives developers Java's advantages over the fragmented native C/Java APIs. Messaging may prove to be as fundamental to the architectures as CORBA and relational databases are right now.

JSPs: A Child Prodigy?
Frank Flowers
JSP is an extension to servlets that runs on a Web server to generate dynamic Web pages. Web page designers with a bit of training on how to code the appropriate JSP tags can create JSPs without having to know Java!

David Reilly
A distributed approach shares the load across many systems, and also the risk; if access to one system is available, your Web portal or online superstore doesn't need to shut down for repairs. Java gives developers the luxury of choice by providing two distributed systems: RMI and CORBA.

Build Feature-Rich, World-Class Web Applications
Howard Ship
Howard presents his observations gathered during a client project to design and build a substantial, database-driven intranet application. The struggle to quickly develop the application by knitting together servlets, database objects, business objects, and JSPs yielded a set of guidelines that evolved over the course of the project, proving themselves effective at managing complexity and avoiding bugs.
Download the code here.

Java 2 Printing
Matthew Robinson and Pavel Vorobiev
With Java 2 printing functionality, you can build powerful and creative new printing solutions for any Swing- or AWT-based application. Though there are some serious drawbacks with memory consumption and speed, as the Java platform continues to mature, we can only expect these problems to diminish.

How to Use Jini Distributed Leasing
Kathy Kozel
Kathy walks through a simplified leasing example, first from the client/holder side, and then looking at how the service/grantor is implemented. To keep the leasing code simple in this example, the lease grantor is using RMI registry rather than the Jini lookup service, so the lease grantor does not have to hold/renew any leases—just grant leases to others.

Salih Ergül
Salih discusses the advantages promised by RMI/IIOP, focusing on what it brings to distributed application development in Java, and how to develop a distributed application in a few steps with this new technology. Enterprise application developers who prefer to use Java are now free from the infrastructure issues of whether to use RMI or CORBA and can begin to concentrate on application logic.

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