april 2000 departments

Editor's Note
The right to choose

Dwight Deugo

Philip J. Gill
Lutris Aims to Jumpstart Open Source App Servers; Sun Makes Jiro Technology Available to Developers; AST Focuses GDPro on Java; Flashline.com Offers Quality Assurance Testing; BitFlash Licenses Bitstream JET; and more.

Real World Java
Predicting the Weather With a Scalable Java Application Server

Philip J. Gill
Strategic Weather Services Inc. provides short- and long-term weather forecasting and behavioral research services for business, industry, and consumers. The system is rewritten entirely in Java using the Sapphire/Web application server. The Sapphire/Web platform is a framework for Java application development, and includes a set of development tools for building Java applications. At the back end is an Oracle relational database. It contains two databases, one with weather and the other with information on users, services, demographics, and statistics.

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