By John K. Waters
Microsoft took the next step in its ChatGPT strategy this week, but Google introduced its LaMDA-based Bard. The conversation over conversational AI just got interesting.
By John K. Waters
Red Hat Enterprise Linux is now certified to run on Oracle's cloud services platform as a supported operating system. The move is part of a multi-stage alliance to offer customers a greater choice of operating systems to run on OCI.
By John K. Waters
ChatGPT is so hot right now, our columnist couldn't get an interview at OpenAI, so he went to the source, so to speak, and queried the tool itself about the opportunities and challenges it presents to developers.
By John K. Waters
Red Hat's Quarkus team rang in the New Year with the release of Quarkus 2.15.3.Final. This version contains bug fixes and documentation improvements for the 2.15 release train.
By John K. Waters
SingularityCE, an open-source container runtime designed for data science, AI, and compute-driven analytics on performance-intensive systems is now accessible for Enterprise Linux users through the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux repository.
By John K. Waters
The 4.1 release of the Apache Cassandra NoSQL database is now generally available. The project’s major release for 2022 comes with lots of new features and "paves the way," the community said in a blog post, for "a more cloud-native future" for the project. It also marks the community's commitment to annual releases, announced last year.
By John K. Waters
A lawsuit filed in a U.S. Federal Court in San Francisco claims GitHub Copilot, which trained on billions of lines of publicly-available code, is violating the legal rights of those who posted code under open-source licenses.
By John K. Waters
GitHub made some big product announcements at its annual GitHub Universe conference in San Francisco, including expanded access for business users of its Copilot AI-pair programming tool.
By John K. Waters
New Relic's just released "2022 State of Logs Report" captured data gathered from millions of applications within its observability platform, and half of all logs ingested by language agents came from Java.
By John K. Waters
Oracle has joined the Micronaut Foundation, the not-for-profit organization established to advance innovation and adoption of a popular open-source, JVM-based framework for building microservices and serverless applications.
By John K. Waters
Oracle announces Java 19, a short-term release with previews and incubating features from OpenJDK projects Amber, Panama, and Loom.
By John K. Waters
The Fedora Project has announced the beta release of Fedora Linux 37, the latest version of the free and open source Fedora Linux operating system.
By John K. Waters
Lightbend, the company behind the Scala JVM language and developer of the Reactive Platform, is changing the license on its Akka technology from Apache 2.0 to the BSL v1.1 (Business Source License), starting with Akka v2.7, which is set for release in October.
By John K. Waters
The company behind the popular NGINX open-source web server launches a new traffic management and security solution designed to deliver better control over fleets of NGINX instances.
By John K. Waters
App security tools provider Contrast Security adds software composition analysis capabilities to its free in CodeSec "developer-first" scanner.
By John K. Waters
Software Freedom Conservancy, a not-for-profit organization that provides support and legal services for free and open-source software (FOSS) projects, has quit GitHub, and says its community should do that same.
The Eclipse Foundation and the Adoptium Working Group announce The Adoptium Marketplace, a new marketplace for Java SE TCK-certified and AQAvit quality-tested binaries.
By John K. Waters
Call for Code Global Challenge organizers launch their annual invitation to software developers from around the world to create open-source solutions that accelerate sustainability and combat climate change.
The Microsoft Build of OpenJDK comes to its Azure App Service, bringing with it new support for Java 17 and Tomcat 10.0.
By John K. Waters
JDK 18 goes GA next week, and though it's not a Long-Term Support release, it does implement nine JEPs, a few of which, say two of our favorite Java mavens, are well worth a look.
By John K. Waters
The latest update of the Java Development Kit (JDK 18), goes GA next week, and though it’s not a Long-Term Support release, there's a lot to look forward to in this update.
By John K. Waters
IT execs responding to two recent surveys cite "strong security" as one reason they're adopting open-source cloud databases.
By John K. Waters
The OpenSSF announced 19 new members, including Citi, Huawei, Spotify, Alibaba, and JFrog, who added their names to a roster that already includes Google, Microsoft, AWS, Meta, and Cisco.
By John K. Waters
The maintainers of Apache Tika, the open-source, Java-based content detection and analysis framework, announce the release of Tika 2.3.0.
By John K. Waters
Canonical CoreSpace announce a partnership aimed at making it easier for organizations to set up, customize, and manage private clouds.