Web Development News & Resources

Visual Studio Mobile Center Now Supports CodePush Updates

Developers using Microsoft's Visual Studio Mobile Center back-end service hub can now directly update JavaScript-based apps via the CodePush service.

Hybrid Apps Beat Native in New Survey

A new survey from Ionic indicates the hybrid approach to developing mobile apps is gaining ground over true native coding, which is expected to fall off dramatically over the next two years.

Python Tops IEEE Spectrum Programming Language Ranking

In a steady climb over the past three years, it now tops C, Java, C++ and C#.

Serverless React Starter Kit Features One-Click AWS Deployment

The React JavaScript library for Web development -- enjoying immense popularity right now -- is featured in a serverless starter kit that leverages new capabilities of the AWS Mobile Hub on the Amazon Web Services cloud.

Open Source Onsen UI Mobile Framework Targets Vue.js Development

Monaca, maker of the open source Onsen UI framework for creating HTML5 hybrid and mobile Web apps, announced a release specifically targeting JavaScript development with the increasingly popular Vue.js framework.

Top Node.js Development Pain Point? Debugging

Node.js specialist RisingStack published a new survey that shows the top paint point reported by developers working with the JavaScript-based runtime is debugging, with 17 percent of respondents spending more than five hours per week fixing things.

Java and JavaScript Top Latest RedMonk Language Rankings; Kotlin Gets a Spotlight

In the latest Programming Language Rankings from the industry watchers at RedMonk, Kotlin, a language that didn't make the Top 20, was given special attention in its discussion section.

Study Links Flawed Online Tutorials with Vulnerable Open Source Software

German researchers have published a paper finding that developers do indeed copy and paste code directly into their open source software, which can lead to the introduction of security vulnerabilities if that code comes from flawed online tutorials.

Node.js Monitoring/Debugging Tool Now Free for Open Source Projects

RisingStack is making its Trace tool for monitoring and debugging Node.js-based applications free to use with open source projects -- if they're deemed worthy.

Facebook Modernizes Open Source Relay JavaScript Framework for Mobile

Facebook today announced a new version of Relay -- its open source JavaScript framework for building data-driven applications -- that improves performance on mobile devices.

Microsoft Open Sources React Native-Based Cross-Platform Library

React Native was never truly cross-platform, though it's getting closer.

New ActivePython Release Targets Data Science, Web Development

ActivePython distributions include open source modules bundled with standard libraries and backed by quality assurance, support plans and other services.

Google To Certify Mobile Site Expertise

Google, which has long been prodding Web site developers to step up their game for better performance on mobile devices, is furthering that effort with a new Mobile Sites certification program.

Mobile Analyst: Factoring in Progressive Web Apps a Matter of 'When,' Not 'If'

Gartner Inc. analyst Jason Wong believes enterprises need to factor in the use of PWAs when developing their mobile strategies.

New in Node.js: Certified Modules, Free Orgs Collaboration Tool

New developments in the popular Node.js ecosystem include curated Certified Modules from NodeSource for third-party package reliability and a free version of the Orgs collaboration tool from npm Inc.

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