Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)

SOA Software and Parasoft deliver integrated test and governance

SOA Software and Parasoft are partnering to offer an integrated governance and testing suite for service-oriented architectures that will allow end users to combine Web services management and error refactoring for SOA and Web service-based apps.

Canadian city trumps biz world with SOA

Service-oriented architectures are expected to have a stronghold over future apps but those implementing the integration process today continue to encounter uncertainties from the corporate world.

Managing Enterprise Governance: When the Enterprise Outgrows the Span of Control

Discover how EA and governance give managers the necessary tools for streamlining user services and creating platforms that deliver faster and cheaper services.

The SOA-wise enterprise

All the fanfare about service-oriented architectures falls short when IT teams still learn the hard way on these projects. Best practices are emerging, but some analysts say it's too soon to rely on early lessons.

Blindly navigating mainframe and SOA integration

Many companies moving towards SOA and legacy integration may not be prepared to deal with the disconnect between the mainframe and other developers responsible for the enterprise architecture. Overstaffing and stratification of roles can create an information Tower of Babel, with different languages, redundant apps, and overly complex interfaces.

Web 2.0 transcends the hype for business and IT

We have yet to agree on a sharp-edged definition of "Web 2.0," but many of the technologies coalescing around this loosely defined, hyper-hyped buzzword—everything from Web services, the Ajax Web development technique, and service syndication, to wikis, tags, podcasts, and even blogs—should begin figuring into every IT leader's business strategy. In fact, say Gartner analysts, all revenue-generating channels should be operating in a Web 2.0 architecture by 2008.

SOA vendors partner to promote governance interoperability

Several service-oriented architecture vendors have joined forces to support SOA Link, an end-to-end SOA Governance Interoperability Initiative.

Oracle's horizontal move into the telco vertical

Oracle unveiled a major platform initiative Tuesday aimed at telecommunications providers. The new Oracle Service Delivery Platform (SDP) is designed to support carriers, network operators and systems integrators who are moving to service-oriented architectures.

Mainframes plug into SOAs

SOA Software has begun shipping its Service-Oriented Legacy Architecture or SOLA, a platform that exposes CICS mainframe apps as Web services. The company claims it’s the first to bridge the gap between mainframe databases and apps and the distributed world.

Enterprise service bus for serviced-enabled environments

New features in IONA Technologies’ Artix 4.0, the latest version of the company's extensible Enterprise Service Bus, address the needs of customers deploying SOA in highly complex, mission-critical heterogeneous environments.

Infravio and Layer 7 announce SOA governance interoperability

Partnerships to provide interoperability among products designed to support governance of service-oriented architectures continue to be announced this week. Infravio and Layer 7 Technologies have completed integration between their respective SOA solutions, X-Registry Platform and SecureSpan.

Lawson Release 9 provides SOA to unite Landmark apps with IBM’s middleware platform

Lawson Software today announced Lawson Release 9, which the company says lays the foundation for a service-oriented architecture and prepares customers for Lawson's next-generation Landmark applications.

SOA vendors partner with LogicLibrary to create integrated governance platform

Service-oriented architecture vendors Blue Titan Software, TopCoder and Metallect have joined forces with LogicLibrary to support an end-to-end approach to SOA governance, from development through deployment.

SOA Software is first with registry independent SOA suite

SOA Software is launching what it claims is the first registry-independent SOA platform.

Ten times the application development platform

TenFold announced a major release of its EnterpriseTenFold applications development platform, EnterpriseTenFold SOA 2006.