Open Source Development News & More

New in React 16.3: an Official Context API, Better Component Lifecycle Methods, More

The latest version of the popular open source React JavaScript library for building Web UIs includes an official context API for easier component access to data, among many other new features.

IBM Provides Deep Learning as a Service

The latest effort to make artificial intelligence programming more accessible to developers in the face of an industry-wide skills shortage comes from IBM, which today announced Deep Learning as a Service.

Microsoft Adds JUnit 5 Testing Support, More Java Features to Visual Studio Code

Microsoft's Visual Studio Code team has added initial support for the JUnit 5 testing framework, along with other Java functionality via extensions to the open source, cross-platform code editor.

AWS Puts Documentation on GitHub, Solicits Pull Requests

As part of an ongoing effort to open source developer guides and other documentation, Amazon Web Services has just published many more repositories on GitHub, inviting community developers to contribute with edits, bug fixes and other improvements.

Developer Report Compares Agile vs. DevOps

One interesting aspect of the new survey-based developer report from GitLab Inc. -- a company based on the open source GitLab project -- is a comparison of two popular development approaches: Agile and DevOps.

Flutter Beta Arrives with New Way to Create Native Mobile Apps

Flutter, the open source mobile UI framework backed by Google, has emerged into beta with a new way to create native iOS and Android apps with one codebase.

Google's Dart 2 Reboot Targets Client-Side Mobile, Web Development

Google has revamped its Dart programming language, adding strong typing and other optimizations for client-side development of mobile and Web apps.

Still Time to Vote on New Eclipse Java EE Name

The rebranding of enterprise Java continues, with "Jakarta" and "Enterprise Profile" emerging as the final two options offered by the Eclipse Foundation to the community in the second phase of the process, and the Foundation is accepting votes until Feb. 23.

After a Big Data Scaling 'Crisis,' LinkedIn Open Sources Scale Testing Tool

LinkedIn engineers have open sourced a homegrown Big Data scale testing tool following a "crisis" they experienced after adding 500 machines to a Hadoop Distributed File System cluster, resulting in disastrous slowdowns.

Android KTX Provides Kotlin Extensions for Easier Mobile Development

"Kotlin on Android is here to stay, and we have big plans for it," said Florina Muntenescu, an Android developer advocate at Google, in announcing the preview of new extensions designed to ease the Kotlin coding experience for creating Android mobile apps.

Rust Never Sleeps: Community Grows, Eclipse-Based IDE Planned

Rust is on the rise, with the "most loved" open source programming language's community growing and a new Eclipse-based IDE in the works.

AWS Lambda Serverless Computing Service Gets Go Support

Amazon Web Services is continuing to add support for Google's Go programming language across its myriad development services, after having recently launched a new developer preview of its SDK for Go.

Oracle Responds to Guardians Open Letter on Java EE Rebranding

An Oracle representative responded to the Java EE Guardians' recently posted "Joint Community Open Letter on Java EE Naming and Packaging," stating unequivocally that it will not be allowing the use of its trademarked "Java EE" and "javax" to be used in naming the Java EE 8-based technologies contributed to the Eclipse Foundation late last year.

Visual Studio Code Editor Gets New Extensions for Java Programming

The Visual Studio Code team continues to add Java functionality to Microsoft's open source, cross-platform code editor via extensions, just launching a new batch for working with Maven, Tomcat and Checkstyle.

Bonitasoft Offers Open Source, Low-Code Platform on AWS Cloud

Bonitasoft announced a partnership with Amazon Web Services to let organizations operate the Bonita open source, low-code development platform with AWS cloud technology.