Company announces Docker Enterprise Edition, along with rebranded free Community Edition.
The company says: "Participating in open source can be incredibly rewarding, but it's not always obvious how to make your first contribution, start a new project or build an active community."
Open source software specialist WSO2 Inc. is boosting its enterprise mobility management capabilities with a new server solution and device cloud.
Box released a group of updates including a new visual API navigator, a new developer console, and new interactive and crowd-sourced documentation.
TypeScript 2.2 is out in a release candidate that continues its embrace of React Native, another JavaScript variant that's used to create native iOS and Android apps.
After ownership of the Model-View-Controller specification passes to the Java community, long-time contributor Ivar Grimstad will serve as a purely community spec lead for JSR 371, the MVC 1.0 standard.
Splice Machine today announced its open source, SQL-based RDBMS platform will soon be available as a Database-as-a-Service offering on the Amazon Web Services cloud.
Today the Cloud Native Computing Foundation announced it had purchased RethinkDB's source code for $25,000 and donated it to CNCF'S parent organization, The Linux Foundation, where it will live on under a more permissive Apache license.
The January release of Visual Studio Code 1.9 is out with a bunch of fixes, updates and new features, including a new interactive playground that lets developers try out editing features immediately.
Here's a roundup of recent news in the Big Data space, featuring an expanded community edition of the NuoDB elastic SQL database, advanced in-database analytics on the GPU from Kinetica, a cloud native object storage server from Minio and more.
It provides functionality such as database access, social log-ins, push notifications, app analytics and more.
Navigation, which has long been problematic for React Native developers using JavaScript to create native iOS and Android mobile apps, is being addressed with a brand-new open source option from some of the leading coders in the young technology's ecosystem.
The Free Software Foundation has updated its list of high-priority projects for 2017, with a free mobile OS highlighting the revised portfolio of supported projects.
After the recent MongoDB debacle in which tens of thousands of unsecured open source databases were hijacked for ransom, security specialists are predicting more of the same for 2017 -- at least until the good guys catch up and things settle down in the second half.
Are you a Python coder looking for a simple way to dip your toes into the artificial intelligence waters? A new open source virtual assistant project may be just what you're looking for.