Application Development Trends' News

Is open-source Tomcat buggy? No more than 'commercialware'

Company disputes claim that app server is prone to problems.

Aberdeen says information integration growing

A recent report from market watchers at the Aberdeen Group (''Enterprise Information Integration -- The New Way to Leverage E-information,'' Second Edition) pegs that market's growth rate at 80% and claims that it is ''on the brink of strong growth and implementation by a wide variety of Fortune 1000 companies.''

IronGrid unveils IronTrack SQL

By displaying a Gantt-style chart of queries as they occur over time, users can develop an understanding of the exact behavior of an application.

Solaris gets a Gnome of its own

Sun keeps pledge to integrate with open source GUI.

Biggies move at LinuxWorld; Novell snags Ximian

Novell moves to improve its Linux story -- it buys Ximian for desktop and systems managment software.

Remade Bristol raises $9.1 million in VC

Company is looking to expand in financial services, insurance, telecommunications, and manufacturing markets.

Unisys moves mainframe into .NET, Java age

Also offers expanded Web services support for XML, SOAP, UDDI and other standard specifications.

Red Hat counters SCO's Linux claims; pledges to launch $100M legal fund

Files complaint to stop SCO from 'making unsubstantiated and untrue public statements' attacking Red Hat Linux.

Dash on real-time, BI and the road ahead

Industry vet Jnan Dash is very interested in the real-time enterprise these days. In this interview, he provides analysis and background on an issue that could become a make-or-break matter for AD management in years ahead.

Hyperion gets Brio for $140 million

Company said the purchase would extend its position as a provider of Business Performance Management software.

Can XML solve data federation conundrum?

Snapbridge Software claims to have solved the problem of enterprise data federation with a combination of XML standardization and algorithms developed by its engineering team.

CXO gets daily data to execs desktops

Companys says XML Web services-based data networks are business executives’ lifeline.

Spec aims to boost Web services interoperability

Multiple Web services integration boosted by new specification.

Intel compilers promise mobile performance boost

New compilers designed to work with next-generation wireless devices running the company's XScale processors

Tutorial offers fast track to component integration

First look at a new developerWorks tutorial.

Compuware touts alternative tools for Windows driver developers

Developers of drivers for the Microsoft Windows operating system are often forced to use tools that are from "the Stone Age."

Crystal buy brings BI biz to boiling point

Analysis of the consolidation of two business intelligence companies.

Pervasive upgrades database security

Company offers beta version of an across-the-board security upgrade.