Application Development Trends' News

Sun's initiative designed with developers in mind

New software initiative eschews point product releases in favor of a unified quarterly upgrade schedule for six systems with a total of 225 separate products.

At Gartner AD Summit: SCM is not just about software

It isn’t enough, or even wise, to discuss how change and configuration management tools will make IT more productive, a Gartner analyst warns.

'Radio Free Intel' aims to make wireless ubiquitous

Chipmaker says it is developing "silicon radios."

BEA targets ISVs with developer program

Developer Extensibility Program said to extend reach of Workshop.

Sun, M7 join to boost new Java portlet spec

Java Portlet Specification allows choice of portal server suppliers.

W3C goes backward to move forward

Author says new spec focuses on removing properties from CSS2 rather than adding them.

Oracle forms commercial grid consortium

Group to establish standards for grid computing in commercial environments.

Sun unveils radical re-think of software strategy

Company launches an oft-discussed radical revamp during its SunNetwork conference.

Borland joins Together and .NET

Company has expanded its Together analysis and design tools with release of Together Edition for Visual Studio .NET.

LogicLibrary, Merant in deal -- SCM meets component management

Agreement will allow developers working with both companies' tools to integrate software development assets.

Fiorina: Grid is good, but challenges await

CEO says grids are a great idea, as long as they don't evolve into proprietary islands of technology.

Rack server vendor claims price/performance edge in benchmark

RackSaver claims that its servers have better price/performance than do servers from IBM, HP and Dell.

AOL’s Leonsis on the state of the Web

Address by Ted Leonsis, AOL’s Vice Chairman and its President of Core Services.

Macromedia MX 2004 takes more 'dev-centric' approach

Company tries to bridge the gap between content developers and techs.

Next XML trend emerges

WebLogic architect predicts the creation of a "virtual data access layer."

Web services: not just for big businesses any more

Web services get downwardly mobile.

Ellison explains Oracle grid plan

Oracle CEO Larry Ellison used the stage of OracleWorld to formally unveil new 10G database technology.